I know.

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Skyler's P.O.V.

"Skyler." I groan, covering my head with my blankets.

"Skyler come on." Something is put on my bed as she sneaks under my covers, licking me. I start laughing and Devin took the covers off of my head.

"Someone slept in late." I look at the clock and lay back on the pillow.

"It's only 11."

"Yeah and mom only had the chiefs maks sushi for lunch."

"Wait sushi." I smile.

"Yeab, now come on before dad eats it all." I throw my covers off, running downstairs with my brother and Snowflake as we sit at the table. Devin gets up, attacking my dad as he grabs the first piece of sushi, giving it to me.

"Thank you." I smile as I eat the piece. The servants give us all a plate and I dig in.

"Tell the chef thank you and this is amazing."

"Will do princess." The servant bows and goes into the kitchen. Chloe walks downstairs as she talks with someone on the phone. Devin and I roll our eyes and my dad got up, taking the phone from Chloe.

"Hey, daddy."

"You know the rules. Now come eat." Devin and I chuckle and Devin is hit.

"Be quiet!"

"Chloe." My mom snaps.

"What's going on with you?" Mu dad asked.

"What's going on with you, hiding things from us!" Devin face palms and my dad and mom looked confused.

"Chloe, we need to talk." Devin and Chloe walk out of the dining room leaving me to wonder what my parents are hiding from me.

Devin's P.O.V.

"Are you crazy!" I yell.

"I did nothing wrong." Chloe snaps

"You can't just plainly say they're hiding something. Maybe it isn't something that bad." I say.

"Please, did you see the face mom and dad made when I told them. That box holds something that we aren't supposed to know. And I'm going to see what they're hiding."

Elsa's P.O.V.

"Jack it's fine. Chloe is probably upset about something and you know she takes her anger out on other people." I sit next to Jack.

"I know how she acts when taking her anger out on us, something else was bothering her." Jack said.

"Jack, Chloe has everything she could and did ask for. What could be bothering her?"

"You did find Devin's knife by the box and Chloe was with him." Jack told me.

"If you're implying that Chloe and Devin know about our history, then you're out of your mind." I scoff.

"But it would make sense. Her behavior, why she's avoiding us."

"Well if you really think that ice brain, go talk to her."

"What did you call me?" Jack smirk as I notice his hand running up my leg.

"You heard me." I smile as Jack pressed his lips to mine, pushing me down on the bed.

"Jack, what about the kids?" I smile.

"Chloe is mad at us, Devin is riding and Skyler is with Snowflake in her room." Jack pressed his lips to mine again, slipping his tounge past my lips.

He started taking my shirt off as I do the same to him. In no time we were both half naked and both in our own world.

"Jack." I moan.

"Just a little longer." Jack smiled, his hands trailing down my sides. I shiver as I kick my legs. Jack held me down as someone knocks on the door.

"What?" Jack snaps.

"Can I come in?" Jack and I look at each other and quickly get dressed.

"Come in." I said as Devin walks in the room.

"Devin, what can we do for you?" I ask.

"It's Chloe. I think I know why she's acting like this."

"Really?" I ask.

"See, we found something when we were putting Chloe's stuff in the attic."

"Was it a box that said keep out?" I ask.

"So you know?" Devin asked.

"Devin, we know. But it has something we don't want you or your sisters to know, especially Skyler." Jack said.

"I understand." Devin walks out of the room, closing the door. We sit there for a few minutes before we hear a loud scream.

"YOU TOLD THEM!" Chloe screams.

"Don't you dare start with me Chloe!" Devin yells.

"Well at least tell me what he said."

"No!" Devin snape.

"Can you go handle this?" I beg Jack.

"Fine, but next time you dead with it."Jack smiled as he walks out of the room. Sighing, I fall back on the bed thinking about Devin and what he might have seen. Skyler came in the room and I get up, seeing she was all banged up.

"Skyler what happened?" I run to her as Jack came in the room.

"What happened here?"

"I don't know." I shake me head as a high yelp comes from the door.

"She knows." Skyler nods to Snowflake.

"Come on." I said as we all follow Snowflake down the hall and downstairs, running outside to where she stops on front of Devin and Chloe. I hold Skyler close to me and Jack steps forward as we look at the red head.

The one who stalked my dreams for years. The one we tried to keep from our family and out of our lives. The reason we came to the kingdom in the first place.

Devin and Chloe stand tall and unafraid even though I could tell they wanted to run for the hills. Skyler didn't try to hide her fear as she hid behind her brother.Even Snowflake was afraid as she ran back to Skyler.

I glare at the man who raped me before I was sold to Jack. The one who is worse than death and worse than everyone's worse nightmare.

"Hello Elsa."

"Hello Han."

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