It's all a trick.

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Jack's P.O.V.

"Jack, nice to see you again." Hiccup smiled.

"Can we come in?" I asked.

"Let's see, should I?" Hiccup mocks.

"Oh yeah and Elsa is hurt." I said and Hiccup looks at Elsa and lets us in. Elsa talks with Punzie ad Hiccup leads me upstairs.

"So you actually did it." Hiccup smirks.

"Did what?" I ask.

"Take my advice."

"You should have seen it. All the girls were either not my type or just, grose."

"It sounds like you were trying to find a girlfriend when you already have one, not a slave."

"What do you mean when I already have a girlfriend?" I glare at Hiccup.

"You know, you and Punzie."

"Dude, Punzie and I broke up three years ago." I scoff.

"You did?"

"You really need to get a normal life." I joke as I hear someone leave the tree house.

"Jack." Punzie ran up the stairs.

"What?" I ask.

"Elaa just left."

"What, why?" I ask, worry in my tone.

"She heard what you said about us."

Elsa's P.O.V.
I didn't care where I went. I just needed to get away from there. I run through the woods, trying to distance myself from Jack after what he said. So I really wasn't his girlfriend, just a slave to him still since he was already in a relationship.

I think I got far enough as I sit down at the bottom of a tree, ripping off the bandage on my leg as I cry from the pain. I couldn't believe I trusted Frost after what he said. Something lays on my lap and I see it was a Black Lab.

"Hey boy." I smile, petting him as I look at his I.D.

"Toothless, that's a unique name." I chuckle, scratching his neck. Toothless looks behind him as Frost, Hiccup and Punzie run up to me.

"What are you doing here?" I snap, standing up but wincing.

"Elsa please let me explain," Frost said.

"So what, you can just make me trust you and then trick me again!"

"No it isn't like that. Punzie and I broke up years ago. We're nothing anymore." Yelling got closer and Toothless growls. I try to take a step toward Jack as I fall into his arms.

"Come on, the tree house is the safest place we can be." Hiccup said. Jack gets me in his arms as we run back to the tree house, going to the couch as Hiccup drags Punzie upstairs. Jack sat on the couch and I dig my face in his chest.

"I'm sorry I doubted you."

"No, I should've told you about Punzie." Jack pet my hair and I start getting tired from his action as I try to stay awake, failing as I fall asleep.

Jack's P.O.V.

"Hans won't find us here, it's too hidden." Hiccup walks downstairs.

"And dogs? You know he'll try anything." I said.

"No. Dogs won't be able to smell this high. The trees and area around us will cover our sent." Hiccup smiled and I remember Elsa fell asleep on me.

"How's Pan?"

"Same." I sigh.

"And Flee?"

"Won't leave Pan's side." I chuckle and Hiccup smiled.

"So how long have you been dating?"

"A few weeks."

"And have you told her about you know what, or has she asked?"

"No. And I don't want to tell her unless it's brought up." I said, looking at Elsa.

"You know, I'd never think I'd find a girl before you." I scoff.

"Yeah because everyone in High school thought you were gay so you didn't want to date even though you had girls drooling at the sight of you." Hiccup mocks.

"Fuck off Hiccup." I growl as Elsa smiled in her sleep.

"And you were so confident that dragons were real all your life you made your own imaginary dragon. You called it a Nightfury." I mock and Hiccup and I glare at each other.

"Tell anyone and you're dead." We both threatened to each other. Toothless starts barking and scratching at the door. Hiccup walks to the door and looks out the window.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I don't know. It doesn't look like there is anyth-oh my God!"

"What is it?" I ask.

"Quiet." Hiccup snaps as we all stay quiet, hearing voices.

"Looks like an old tree house. I doubt anyone is there, especially in this kind of environment." I hear Hans and my arms wrap tighter around Elsa as I hear her whimper.

"But the dogs-."

"They aren't here! The dogs smelled their sent yes, but maybe they came here to meet someone and then left. But they aren't here."

"Then where do you think they are?" A man asked.

"If Frost went into hiding, we'll bring him out. Pack your bags men, we're going to Neverland." Silence followed and Hiccup and I look at each other.


"I failed once, and I'm not failing again. I promised mom and dad I would take care of you guys, and I'm not going back on my promise. Get Punzie and get Toothless ready, we need to go to Neverland." Hiccup walks upstairs and Elsa starts waking up.

"What's going on?"

"We need to go to Neverland." I tell her.


"Hans is trying to make us come out of hiding by going after Pan and Flee." Elsa looked like she realized something.

"He isn't going after Pan."


"He knew we were here. He used the oldest trick in the book. He's wanting revenge on you, so he's going after the thing you care most about, me."

"How is that going to happen?" I ask.

"By hurting me. He's said he's going to Neverland but he wants us to go there to get us out of the way so when he kills Anna, you'll be too distracted by me that he'll kill your family before you can even say family."

"Then let's go." Elsa gets up, falling but catching herself as Hiccup came down with Toothless all harnessed up as Punzie walks downstairs as well. She had on a light purple tank top with a golden sun on it with jeans.

"You're not wearing that." I scoff.

"And you're not my dad." I ignore her and turn to Hiccup.

"Change of plans. Going to Neverland is what Hans wants. He's going after Elsa's sister Anna."


"Princess of Arendelle."

"Wait, if they're sisters, does that mean Elsa is a princess?"


Sorry if I'm slow on my updating, I'm going as fast as I can but don't have a lot of ideas for what to come next. So if you have an idea for what should happen next, leave a comment and if I like it, I'll use it and give that person a shout out.

After this book I don't think I'm going to work on Jelsa for a while because I have another Peter Pan book I'm working on. It will have Jack Frost in it so I do recommend you go read it.

But remember if you have any ideas for what happens next leave a comment and tell me what you want and I'll give you a ShoutOut because I'm not going to update until someone gives me an idea.

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