Tell him.

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Skyler's P.O.V.

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked.

"Nothing we're just wanting to go on a little trip." My dad came out as well.

"Hey mom, how did you and dad meet?" Devin asked and my mom and dad look nervously at each other as if they were hiding something.

"Why do you ask?" My mom asked.

"Because you've never told us." Devin said as I come out of the water, sitting on the edge.

"We met on an online dating site." My dad said.

"Makes sense." Chloe shrugs.

"Why do you have sunglasses when it's almost midnight?" I look at Chloe.

"Why do you need to judge me?" My dad smirks and picks Chloe up as she screams. He walks over to the water and I duck under again as he threw her in the water, Snowflake not far behind.

I swim to the surface and start laughing at Chloe as she splashed me.

"Hey dad check this out." Devin does a backflip into the water, getting me and Chloe wet.

"Showoff!" We yell. Chloe looks up and pushed me under the water as my dad dove into the water.

"Dad!"  We both surface and yell but he wasn't there. 

"Wait where'd he go?" I ask. Chloe screams as she's dragged down.

"Dad attack!" I yell as I swim to the ledge. Devin helps me out but someone grabs my ankle, pulling me back into the water as Devin follows. I swim to the surface and take a breath of air as I sit on the steps with my brother and sister.

"Where'd he go?" Devin asked as we look at the calm water.

"And where's mom?" I ask, seeing she wasn't in her chair like she was a few minutes ago. A chilling laugh that had shivers running up my body came from all around us as I try to find the noise.

"Ok everybody out." My dad walked outside.

"Why?" We all whine.

"Because we need to leave for Arendelle first thing tomorrow so go get dressed, packed and get to bed. I promise we'll tell you everything tomorrow." Chloe, Devin and I get out of the water and go inside to our rooms.

I go to mine and go to my closet, picking out a few outfits as I put them in my backpack that I use when we go to the castle along with my blanket and favorite book. After I was done packing, I get dressed in my PJs and crawl into bed.

I try to think of why my parents left so suddenly and why we're leaving in such a hurry. It isn't them to be so worried. I hear the door open and something move to the bed and I freak out, thinking it was the boogie man from the stories my dad told me as a kid.

I knew there was no such thing but still I couldn't help think if Jack Frost exists, maybe the Boogie man can to. I just wish I could see Jack Frost. Something jumps on my bed and I squeal, seeing it was just Snowflake.

"Oh, hey girl." I smile, petting her as she lays next to me.

"I wonder what it's like to be a guardian. Because if I could have one it would be Jack Frost."

Chloe's P.O.V.
I go up to the attic with Devin to put some of my old things away and turn the light on.

"God I hate this place." I say.

"Who doesn't like a creepy attic with a possibility of it being haunted?" Devin mocks.

"Me dumb ass." I growl as I walk to the back to put the box down.

"Hey Chloe check this out." I turn to my brother and see he was next to some sort of box.

"What do you think is in here?" I walk over to him.

"I don't know but it says to keep out so mom and dad put it up here for a reason and it wasn't for us to-what are you doing?" Devin cuts open the box with a pocket knife.

"When did mom and dad let you carry a pocket knife around?"

"They didn't." Devin tore open the box as he opened it.

"These all look like things you would use to abuse dogs with. A collar, a wip." I say.

"But that doesn't explain the short dresses." Devin said.

"Wait there's something else." I reach for the paper but I'm stopped.

"Chloe, Devin are you done?" My mom calls.

"Yeah, coming." Devin closed the box and we rush downstairs, both thinking what was on the piece of paper.

Jack's P.O.V.

"Elsa." I shake her as she groans.


"You need to see this, I think the kids know." That got Elsa up as she got out of bed as we run out of the room.

"How do you know?" Elsa asks.

"Because I found something." We go up in the attic and walk to the box we put there. It was open with a knife next to it.

"This is Devin's knife." Elsa said, picking it up

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Because I helped him buy it."

"You let Devin have a knife!" I snap.

"Jack relax. He promised he wouldn't use it to do any harm and if he did he deals with you finding out." Elsa sighs.

"Look, we need to get this out of our lives before at least Skyler finds out. Going into middle school knowing her father owned a slave that's her mother....I won't let it get out." Elsa calls someone.

"Who are you calling?"

"Police. I'm done with Carl getting away with his business. I'm putting an end to this once and for all."

Devin's P.O.V.

Me: Chloe, do you think we should tell them?

Chloe: Hell no! We'll be grounded for life.

Me: We can tell then we found it on accident.

Chloe: Devin, I've already told you no. And being the oldest in the family I say no!

I glare at Chloe and she glared back. I drop my phone and just tilt my head up, closing my eyes.

"Everything ok Devin?" My dad asked.

"I'm fine." Someone texted me and I grab my phone.

Chloe: Ask him.

Me: Ask him what?

Chloe: When we're going home so we can see what was in that box.

I remind myself that I left my knife at the house and started to panic.

Me: Chloe, I just remembered my knife wad back at the house.

Chloe: You WHAT!

"Oh Devin, I found this in the attic." My mom slid my knife to me so my dad didn't see as I grab it. I sigh, looking back at Chloe as we park the car, my parents getting out of the car as well as Chloe.

"Skyler." I whisper, shaking her as she picks her head off the window.

"Come on sleepy head." I chuckle as Snowflake gets up, running out of the car and following Chloe. She grabs her backpack from under the seat as we leave the car, walking inside.

"Why did we come here so suddenly?"

"I don't know. But I'm sure it's for a good reason." I said. We walk into the castle. We walk up to our rooms and go into our rooms. I drop my backpack on the ground and crashed on my bed, immediately falling asleep.

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