20 Explosives

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I woke up to find myself lying on my own bed. Rays of light flooded in through the partially open window. My whole room seemed brighter than usual. The flowers that rested on my night table bloomed. My old stuffed animals lined along shelves danced and laughed. I stood up and twirled around while giggling, letting my dress flow in the wind. I became dizzy and fell. Before I could hit the ground. I looked up to see Ayden smiling at me. He picked me up and spun me around, sending me into a laughing fit.

"Daniela," he whispered.

"Yes?" I asked, taking in the moment with pure bliss.

"Daniela," he whispered again.

"What?" I asked a little more desperately.

His voice became more irritated. "Daniela!"

I became confused. It didn't sound like his voice anymore. It wasn't his old playful voice. No, the person talking seemed cold and agitated.

"She's not responding, boss," I heard.

My whole dream shattered. All I could see was pitch black. It was then I realized, these voices are real.

"You fool! I didn't want you to kill her! That's my job!" Ichabod scolded the man.

The voices sounded distant, but I could still hear them.

There was a long pause. I had no idea what was going on. Then Ichabod continued to talk.

"You. Go wake her up," he said nonchalantly. I heard a body drop to the ground and bump mine. The person grunted. It sounded familiar. I felt fingers play with my hair. It felt good.

"Daniela, please wake up," I heard a barely audible whisper. I heard a couple sniffles. I recognized the voice. As much as I wanted to open my eyes, they wouldn't. The pain throughout my body was too much. I just wanted to drift into unconsciousness again. It was easier than having to live with the pain.

"Please," the voice whispered again. If my eyes weren't closed, I would've started crying. Ayden. He sounded so, broken. I wanted to reach out to him, but my body didn't want to move. My eyes were too heavy to open. 

"Don't die." His voice cracked. My heart broke into a million pieces at the sound of his voice. Dangit, why couldn't I wake up?! Just when I started mentally cursing to myself, I felt Ayden's lips brush softly against mine. Shots of electricity jolted me awake. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see those crystal blue eyes. They seemed watery. They didn't have the same glint. They seemed to brighten the second I opened my eyes.

"Ayden," I breathed. He stroked my cheek with a sad smile. "What's going on?"

"Wakey wakey, Daniela!" Ichabod feigned sweetness. He came closer to Ayden and me.

He crouched down in front of us and asked, "Do you remember?"

I sighed and Ayden rubbed my back with his thumb. "You can do this," he whispered into my ear. 

I touched my head. There was still blood on my head, but there was less trickling from it. Most of it had already dried up. I still felt dizzy and light headed. All I wanted to do was sleep. I knew I couldn't do that though. I had to finish what I started. A realization came to me: maybe this isn't about lying to save myself; it's about saying the truth to find answers.

"Yes," I croaked.

Ichabod smiled in satisfaction.

"What are you doing?!" Ayden asked harshly. I ignored him.

"You know, I am truly sorry everything has to end this way," Ichabod said, still giving a devilish smile.

I rolled my eyes. "Before you kill me, I need an explanation," I said.

A Pinch of Memories in my Bowl of DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now