3 Heart Attacks

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<><><><><><>Author's Note<><><><><><><><>

Dedicated to the awesome person above. Read her stories nooooow!


After having a long conversation with Charlie, I decided to tell him how I felt. I wasn’t going to say I loved him; only that I really liked him. The only problem was, I never got the chance. I arrived at school the next day, feeling nervous. When lunchtime came, I entered the cafeteria secretly hoping he wouldn't be there. The palms of my hands were sweating at the thought of telling him how I felt. My heart dropped when I realized that my wish came true. He didn't show up to lunch. I sat with Charlie and she reassured me.

"He probably skipped lunch to study for a test!" Charlie suggested while taking a huge bite of her sandwhich. I swirled my lemonade with a straw and nodded. That made perfect sense, but I was still doubtful.


I sat in my desk in English class, hoping he would come. No sign of him. I continuously glanced at the empty desk next to me throughout the whole class. It felt awkward writing a story without the company of Ayden. I frowned when the bell rang announcing that school was over.

"Maybe he's sick!" Charlie reassured me as I drove her to her house. I gave her a smile and nodded, trying my best to hide my doubtfulness. I dropped her off and drove to my own home. The whole way I felt anxious. Calm down, he's probably just sick, I consoled myself. I was actually able to convince myself that I was being overly dramatic. It lifted my spirits a little bit. Frankly, I find it better to be overly dramatic than to actually be right.

When I arrived home I figured I should probably visit Ayden at his house. I decided to bring some chicken noodle soup with me in case he really was sick. I crossed the street and knocked on his door. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I turned the knob, but it was locked. I turned around and realized there were no cars parked in the driveway. I peeked into the windows and didn't see any lights turned on. In fact, I couldn't see anything.

Panic grew within me. I walked away from the window and back towards the door. I kicked the door and it fell to the ground. I gaped when I saw what was inside, or what wasn't inside.

The house was completely empty. All the boxes that had been piled up everywhere were gone. The couch and coffee table in the living room disappeared. I stepped into the kitchen. It was completely empty besides the counter and oven already built into the wall. I took a couple more steps inside when I saw a flash of black. I caught a quick glimpse of the familiar person covered in dark clothing. The creepy man that I had seen twice before was now in Ayden’s house. I screamed, catching the attention of the man. I dropped my soup  and ran out of the house and into my own.

I brushed past my mom as she tried to ask me what happened. I ran upstairs and locked myself inside my room. I threw myself onto my bed and stuffed my face into the covers. I stayed lying on my stomach, unmoving, for over an hour.

He left.

He never told me.

I love him.

I pushed myself off the bed at that thought. I love him. I began to question it. Did I love him? Was I confusing love with infatuation? Was I merely attracted to him or was there something deeper? I could've sworn there was deeper, but now that Ayden was gone, I wasn't sure. He obviously didn't love me if he didn't tell me he was leaving. I tapped my chin with my finger. Something wasn't right. He left so quickly. His house couldn't be completely empty in less than a day. Could it? Did he have to leave because of that creepy man?

A Pinch of Memories in my Bowl of DisasterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin