8 Apologies

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As I slept, I imagined myself at home, snuggled up in my bed, covered in blankets. My mom sat next to me, blowing away the steam rising from my hot chocolate. I felt clean, and the calmest I had felt in a while. Adam and Charlie came in laughing. I joined in their laughter. Sun shone through the window and I felt the warmth on my skin. Ayden walked into the room. He stood next to my bed, and puckered his lips.

As I leaned in to kiss him, I heard a sudden shriek. Ayden fell to the floor, a dagger jutting out from his back. Ichabod stood in his place, glaring at me with a sick, twisted smile. A stinging sensation woke me up from my reverie. My eyes fluttered open. I raised my hand to touch my cheek; it felt hot. I looked around and realized that I was chained to the wall of a jail cell. Two men were standing in front of me. They were unlike any man I encountered on this "adventure". They were more muscular. You could see their abs through the black v-necks. They were also taller.

"You stay here," one of them commanded in a deep voice.

"Yeah, like I have a choice, " I retorted.

With that they walked out of my cell and locked it. Just as they left the jail, Ichabod came waltzing in. He seemed rather happy, a little bit too happy. He grabbed the bars of my cell and stuck his nose in.

"It smells pretty bad in here," he said, making a waving motion in front of his nose. I scowled, which made him laugh.

"A new renovation? I don't remember this being part of your palace before," I said cockily.

He smirked. "Oh but there is so much you have yet to see!"

"I would love to see the entire palace sometime."

"Maybe in another life."

He let go of the bars, and looking at me, he asked seriously, "Do you remember?"

My head bowed. I shook my head, replying "I still have no idea what you're talking about." Ichabod jeered and slammed his fists on the bars. I jolted back a bit. I huddled in the corner as far as the shackles allowed.

"Look at you," he said, sneering with shame. "You seem so innocent and frightened, like an ant about to be squashed by a shoe." I helped myself up and ran towards the bars, only to be sling-shoted back by the shackles. I fell, landing on my butt. He chuckled. "Now there's the girl I've seen the past couple days. It's hysterical how different you are from when you were a little girl." With that he walked away, leaving me alone in the cell. When I thought I was alone, Ichabod's head popped out of the entrance to the jail.

"One more thing," he said. I listened closely. "Be thankful your friends escaped." I looked at the floor, blushing at the thought of my dead friends. I assumed he didn't know they died, so I pretended like they really did escape.

"What, you can't poof them back with your magical powers?" I said mockingly. He laughed, finding my comeback amusing.

"If you must know, my powers only work on this island, I can't control anything or anyone who is not on this island," he replied.

I shook my head. "You disgust me! All you've done, all you've said, it truly is demented!" With that I gathered all the saliva in my mouth and spit it at his face. Ichabod calmly wiped it from his face.

"So, you like to faint and spit?A small yet creepy giggle escaped him.

"Yeah, and I guess you really love to laugh," I replied.

He smiled, trying to suppress another laugh. "Touché, Daniela. Touché." With that he closed the door.

Each day was the same routine in that rotten cell. I would wake up in the morning, finding a loaf of bread with butter, grapes, and a cup of water in front of me. Every day I would find some way to entertain myself; normally that meant twirling strands of hair, using my nail to sharpen a twig, and sometimes even petting and talking to the rats. Yes, I know that's weird, but when you're stuck in jail for a while, weird becomes normal.

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