17 Hiding Places

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"No!" Charlie cried, pulling me towards her. She attempted to grab my hand but missed. Her hand went right through my skin. My arm disappeared. So did my legs. I panicked a little. I only closed my eyes and trusted the magic sand to do its job.

"Daniela!" Adam shouted, now running towards me. By the time he reached me it was too late. My whole body disintegrated. I was invisible for a split second, staring at white walls surrounding me until the white walls were replaced by the ocean and I reappeared. I was still sitting, but no longer on the couch. I rubbed my hands and feet against the warm sand and stared out into the ocean. The sky was ptich black, and the water reflected the color of midnight blue, the edges of waves lined with the color white. The sand seemed to glow a luminous white.

When I realized where I was, I jumped onto my feet and twirled, seeing the forest. I made out the dark outline of the palace still towered over all the trees. The vines and plants felt more alive and bright in color even in darkness, almost as if the panick caused by my escape brought happiness to the forest. I smiled. At least someone, or something, on this stupid island wanted me alive!

I continued to take in the view around me until I heard shouts. I squinted my eyes and saw a couple soldiers arguing from far away. Without thinking I ran into the forest in the opposite direction. At first I planned on running into the castle. Within a couple steps I realized that wasn't the best option. I needed time to devise a plan. I thought about where I should hide. I thought about the cave that Manu took me to, but I quickly decided against it. Although it was beautiful, I didn't want to crawl through that annoying tunnel again.

I thought of the perfect place. I continued to dodge tree branches and jump over tree roots. Bugs crawled on me every once in a while but I swatted them off. Even with the sun gone, it was as hot as ever on the island. The moon lived up to the sun's status as the "Deliverer of Heat". I've never visited a place that's hotter; it was as if the sun and moon favored this island over any other place.

I reached the spot I was looking for and stood still. At least, I think it was the place I was looking for. I was expecting to find Manu's secret hut, but instead I discovered a pile of palm leaves, wood, and open coconut. I crouched down and turned over one of the palm leaves. It was scorched on its back side. In the front, it's edges were also burned. In fact, everything in that pile was scorched or disintegrated to ashes.

One open coconut caught my attention. I picked it up and observed the writing scribbled on the outisde. Manu. It had his name written on it. I then realized that this big pile was once his hut. I groaned and threw the coconut. Of course Ichabod burned it down, I thought sarcastically. There goes my hiding place.

There was only one other place I knew I could hide in. I walked away from the burned down hut and searched for a specific tree. I was surprised that it didn't take me longer to find it. It looked like every other tree on the island except for the hole. Thank the Lord Ichabod didn't get rid of Manu's emergency hideout, I thought. Then again, there was nothing suspicious about a regular tree with a big hollow hole. 

I climbed into the hole of the tree. There was just enough room to sit down. I wrapped my arms around my legs and attempted to tuck in my legs. They fit inside, but not comfortably. I took a deep breath, hoping to control my breathing. Being in tight spaces wasn't exactly ideal for me, but the last thing I wanted was to start hyperventilating.

I stuck my head out of the hole, scouring the area for something to cover the entrance. I wanted to remain as unobtrusive as possible; even though it was hard to notice me at night, it may have been easier once the sun rose. My eyes landed on some vines hanging by a nearby tree. I jumped out of the hole and ripped the vines from the branch. I then tied the vines to a branch hanging above the hole. With enough vines, it almost created a door.

I crawled back into the hole and leaned my head against the bark. I closed my eyes, hoping that my dreams would give me an idea of what to do. I opened my eyes once more, feeling that something was wrong. It's probably nothing, I told myself.

"Good night Adam," I whispered to myself.

"Good night Charlie."

"Good night Ayden."

"Good night Mom."

I paused and bit my lip. 

"Good night Dad."

Before tears were able to form, I closed my eyes once more. My distress throughout these past few weeks left me exhausted. Images of my childhood flooded my brain. There I was, merely a baby, being carried by my dad. There I was again, maybe eight months old, sleeping in Ichabod's arms. Next I was five years old, blowing out candles from a birthday cake as my mom hugged me. I then saw myself again, eight years old, sitting in a pile of mud with Charlie. I felt a smile forming even when my eyes were closed. I had no problem drifting into a deep sleep with these happy memories.

<><><><><><><>Author's Note<><><><><><><><>

Sorry if it's boring, i'll upload soon :)

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