10 Memories

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As I sat in the middle of my cell alone, only one thing ran through my head: Ichabod was so close to killing me. Up untill then, it felt as if I was playing a video game. I thought that with just the press of a button, I could pass a level. If I died along the way, it would be okay, because I had two lives left. Being inches away from a poisonous frog forced me to realize that that's not the case. In my situation, life was nothing like a video game. I only had one life, and I had to guard it as best as I can. It wouldn't be easy to just escape and pass the level. I needed to do more than just press a button.

I decided to keep the idea of death out of my mind. The only other thing that haunted my thoughts was: what did I have to remember? Why did Ichabod want me to remember so badly? Why is my father relevant to this memory? I tried to remember all the events that occurred in my life, but I didn't even know where to begin.

Time must have slipped by me, because just then Ichabod came waltzing in with my dinner. The food that rolled towards me was not what I expected. It wasn't the usual food I received. No, this was a feast. On the floor, lying at the tips of my toes were warm cinnamon buns, lemon bars, and freshly frosted sugar cookies. My mouth watered at the tantalizing smells. I looked up at Ichabod.

"Go ahead, dig in." I yanked a cookie from the floor and shoved it in my mouth. Ichabod seemed pleased. "You're probably wondering why I'm giving you all this delicious food, aren't you?" I ignored his question, shoving as much food as I could in my mouth. The feeling of warm, fresh food making its way into my stomach made my heart leap with joy. All my pains evaporated instantly. I hardly heard Ichabod when he said, "I guess I've decided to feed you more because I was convinced that eating food will help the brain, giving you an advantage in recalling that day I've been asking you about."

I considered spitting out the food, but then I kept eating because the food was too tempting and delicious. "So, do you remember?" he asked as I continued to eat. I shook my head, a couple pieces of food flying from my mouth. He laughed, but immediately he wiped the grin off his face. "I figured you wouldn't remember. I made sure that the food wouldn't get you back on your feet, so-"

I stopped chewing. "You put food poisoning." He nodded with a fully stretched smile. I felt my stomach grumble. I felt my cheeks turning green. I huddled in the corner of the cell as all the food came out the way it had entered. I heard a hearty laugh, and then the sound of the door closing. I spent that night with terrible pain. It felt almost as if nuclear bombs were erupting in my stomach. The only thing that helped me through the night was the fact that Adam and Charlie were alive. Adam and Charlie. It had been a long time since I had actually said it aloud. So I did. "Adam and Charlie," I whispered to myself. When I closed my eyes, I saw the sphere containing the image of Charlie and Adam. I felt almost at peace, almost falling asleep, until my stomach grumbled once more. This happened often throughout the night.


I flickered my eyes open. It must have been daytime. Light poured in through the window on the other side of the jail. I was slumped against the wall, my stomach jutting out. It felt almost swollen. My throat itched from the vile taste of puke. It almost felt like someone forced me to swallow fire. My eyes drooped, and just as I closed them, I noticed something small on the floor. It was taped to one of the bars of my cell along with a piece of paper. I couldn't stand for fear of upsetting my stomach once more, so I crawled to the paper hanging from the bar.When I got closer I noticed that the small thing which caught my attention was a pill. I rolled the pill between two of my fingers while reading the note:

Dear Daniela,

I heard some groans as I walked by the jail. I figured you would need this to help that angry tummy of yours. This will make it happy again and keep you from turning green in the face, although you look cute in that color.

A Pinch of Memories in my Bowl of DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now