1 Dare

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<><><><><>Author's Note<><><><><>

So just wanted thanks for giving my story a chance, it means a lot <3

If you catch a mistake, whether big or small, with my story, please don't hesitate to inform me. I don't even care if you're harsh to me about it, as long as I'm able to fix it i'll appreciate it :)

Dedicated to Veronique because she's an awesome writer and she made the cover for my other story!! Go check her out!!!

Thanks for reading!!!!


"Daniela! Please! Don't do this!" all the girls shrieked. I breathed in deeply and ignored them as I closed my eyes. Maybe if I closed them and opened them again, I would wake up from a dream, I thought. I prayed silently to myself as all the boys hollered my name. They pumped their fist in the air and laughed at my annoyed reaction. When the girls begged me to end the absurd dare, the boys smirked.

"Oh Daniela! Please, spare yourself!" they all mimicked in a shrill voice. They all slapped themselves on the back and doubled over in laughter when the girls glared at them. Everyone quickly ended the argument and huddled around me. Once everyone was so close to me, I knew there was no turning back. There was a dead silence and the air suddenly became heavy. I stood on top of one of the lunch tables and tip toed in order to grasp the water pipe attached from the ceiling. Both hands were now desperately holding onto the pipe as I looked down at the boys and girls eagerly looking up at me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and jumped up. With all the strength in my hands, I pulled the weight of my body upwards, forming a pullup position. I then began swinging my legs back and forth, beginning to gain momentum. I opened my eyes released my grip on the pipe. As I flew in the air I tucked my legs and did a backflip, landing with a graceful thump.

I landed on both feet and smiled at the crowd that was still huddled around the lunch tables but had their heads turned towards me. A small boy kneeling next to me raised my arms in victory. Everyone chanted my name and jumped up and down. They all deserted the table and formed a new circle around me. People shouted "I can't believe she did that!" and "the daredevil strikes again!" Just then our principal stomped into the cafeteria.

"Sit down!" she shouted. Everyone scrambled to their seats, leaving me alone in the middle of the room. The people who had chanted and laughed were now silent. As our principal walked out the door she consistently grumbled under her breath. The minute the door creaked shut, all the kids burst into laughter. I joined in the laughter as I opened my brown paper bag and took out my food. I had packed a lot of food, but I felt too queasy from the nervousness of that dare to eat it.

Charlie pulled up a seat next to me and exclaimed "wow!" as she plopped onto it. Grabbing my food from the table and stuffing it in her mouth, she said, "That was an amazing dare! But, as your best friend, I'm going to help you kick it up a notch!" My eyes bulged out; I dropped my water bottle in disbelief.

"I just did a gymanstics trick on an unstable water pipe! Any dare more dangerous will have me dead or in trouble!" I exclaimed, waving my arms in exasperation. I would have continued to scold her, but as if on cue from what I said, the water pipe exploded. Water spurted in all directions, soaking everything in sight. I sat there wide-eyed as girls hid under tables while shrieking and boys ran around sticking out their tongues to catch water drops. The principal stomped back into the cafeteria. If she wasn't angry before, she definitely was now. She stepped into puddles that were now forming. Water drenched her clothes and hair. Mascara ran down her face and her eyes were ignited by an angry fire. 

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