13 Truths

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Each minute ticked by. Mixed emotions were stirring within me as I paced back and forth across the jail cell. I was bored, nervous, upset, and sad. I didn't think one could experience so many emotions simultaneously. Let me tell you, thats not necessarily a good thing. It is very overwhelming. It makes you feel like you're at the point of insanity. At least, it makes me feel like that.

I couldn't help counting each second that slipped by me. One, two, three. Counting distracted me from thinking of my father. I felt like it was my fault he died, even though I knew that wasn't the case. I felt like I could have crawled out of my crib and snatched the gun from Ichabod's hand. I could've been Super Baby. But that's not how the story goes. When I did think about him, I focused on the beginning of the memory: my dad's smile, my calmness as I slowly fell asleep. For some reason that comforted me.

One thing that failed to comfort me even the slightest was the thought of Ichabod. The psychotic ways of that man forced angry steam out of my ears. He kills my father, kidnaps me, traps me in a jail, pretends to be a loving uncle for one day, and then threatens to kill me. Let me know if that's normal.

When I didn't ponder about my dad or Ichabod and when I wasn't counting, I practiced lying. I would have to do it in a few hours, so why not practice? I often thought to myself in my head, making up different lies. Sometimes it hurt too much to think it, so I said them aloud.

"I love pizza," I said. I immediately laughed. Wow, I thought to myself. I haven't laughed in a long time. A huge relief poured into my heart along with the laughter, so I continued to say unconvincing lies.

"I didn't run around in my underwear when I was three-years-old!" I managed to exclaim over all my giggling.

"I love Ayden!" There was a sudden silence. My laughing halted to a stop as I sat criss-cross on the floor. Huh, I thought, I normally laugh when I lie… then it occurred to me. I groaned as soon as I realized it. Maybe, it really wasn't a lie. Could it have been the truth? I tested it one more time.

"I hate Ayden with all my heart!" I shouted in anger. It was impossible to contain the smile that stretched across my face soon after. When I felt the smile rise, I hit my face with the palm of my hand and groaned once more.

"Nooo," I whispered to myself, my hand still covering my face. I don't love him, I don't love him, I don't love him. That was the only thought racing through my head. How could I love him? He tried to kill me! He abandoned me back in my hometown, to do what? Kill me! Yet, then again, he's making up for it now. He's been sweet these past couple weeks…no. Just, no.

I lay on the floor, my back against the ground and spreading my arms and legs out. Maybe it's possible… I shook the thought out of my head. As I braided my hair and gazed at the ceiling, I tried hard to fight back these thoughts. I decided to continue with the lies. I needed practice anyway.

I took a deep breath and stated, "I don't remember." My eyes watered up. A tear trickled down my cheek and I quickly swiped it away. Nope, still not a good liar.

I was about to say it again when I heard a thump outside the jail. Then I heard another thump. Someone was trying to push open the door. I looked out the window and noticed that the sun had already begun to set. I breathed rapidly, violently grasping the collar of my torn shirt. Before I could start crying, I consoled myself.

"Time for dinner," I mumbled under my breath as the door swung open.


I turned myself to face the corner of the cell. I had grown such despise for Ichabod I didn't even want to look at him. Besides, I thought it would be easier to lie if I didn't meet him eye to eye. I heard the heavy footsteps coming closer to my cell. Thump. Thump. Thump. The noise stopped. They must have reached my cell. I expected to hear one of Ichabod's cocky statements, but instead I was greeted by a whisper.

"Daniela." I heard my name softly tickle my ear. I spun around to see Ayden's face pressed against the bars. I let out a puff of air with relief.

"Thank goodness it's just you!" I remarked, crawling towards him. When my shackles couldn't stretch any farther, I halted to a stop.

He smirked. "Is that a terrible thing?" he asked.

I brushed aside his comment. "Seriously, where is Ichabod?" I questioned him. His smile didn't disappear like it normally did whenever I mentioned Ichabod.

"I kept him a little busy," he replied, twitching his fingers in a scurrying motion. I grinned. "How?!"

"I sort of 'accidentally’ dropped a bunch of heavy gold bricks on Ichabod's foot!"

"Couldn't he have relieved himself of the pain through magic?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Not without this!" He pulled from behind his back the bag of magic sand. My heart leapt with joy as I quickly ripped the bag from his hands and cupped it in my own. It seemed so precious up close. The bag was a purple velvet material tied by golden rope. I stuck my finger into a tiny opening and wiggled it inside until the hole that the rope held together widened. The sand looked like any other regular beach sand. I brought the hole closer to my face. No, it was different. There was a smell. It wasn't pleasant, however; rather, it smelled of roses and blood. I closed the opening in the bag and dropped it. I cringed at the smell.

Ayden chuckled while saying, "Yes, it smells right?"

I nodded. "How did you get this?"

Ayden's smile now stretched from ear to ear. It could have stretched to a whole different country. That's just how proud he seemed when he answered, "Hurting his foot distracted him."

My smile now matched his. "I have to hand it to you," I stated, "that is impressive!" I reached out to Ayden and gave him a friendly slap. He immediately winced in pain. My hand retreated as my eyes widened and I gasped.

"What? Are you okay?" I panicked.

He flexed his back, still wincing. His mouth formed a tiny o-shape as he fought the need to groan.

"Turn around," I ordered. He did as was told. His back was now facing me. With both hands I lifted his shirt. It didn't take long to notice the red gashes all over his back, positioned almost like a game of pick-up-sticks. I covered my mouth with one hand while I gently ran my fingers along the gashes with the other.

"What happened?" I asked. When these words left my mouth, it felt more like a demand than a question.

Ayden's back still faced me. "Ichabod noticed after a while that his bag of sand was gone. He couldn't figure out who stole it, so he punished everyone."

I pulled back my hand from his back and draped his shirt over it. I couldn't find words. More people were hurt because of me. Because of Ichabod. It was hard to see who was at fault.

"I-I'm so sorry," I managed to sputter out.

Ayden faced me once more. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."

I couldn't help gawking at Ayden. "Please, don't add more sugar to a sweet lie. I can handle the truth," I stated.

He nodded. "No matter who's fault it is, I can assure you this will be over soon."

"Yes," I replied. "This will be over."

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