Dreaming of You

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A/N: As promised, here's your next chapter.  Starting today, I'll be participating in the August CampNanowrimo and starting next week I'll be on vacation in Ohio, so updates will be a bit slower.  Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing!


“Bella. We've got a problem.”

“What do you mean, we've got a problem?” I asked Alice.

“I'll get to that in a minute. Mom and Dad are thrilled you're coming over. They love you! They want you to come over early enough to have dinner with us at six.”

“That's fine. I love your mom's cooking! So, what's the problem?”

“Apparently, Dad invited Mr. Laurent and his family to dinner tomorrow night.”

“Maybe it's a different Mr. Laurent?”

“Nice try. How people do you know with the last name Laurent? Trust me. It's him. Dad is good friends with him.”

“And by family you mean. . .” I trailed off.

“Mr. Laurent, Mrs. Laurent, and Victoria.”

“So, I'll be seeing you after dinner tomorrow?”

“Oh, hell no! If I have to suffer through this dinner with her, then so do you!” Alice yelled at me over the phone.

“But, I don't want to!” I whined.

“Too bad! You agreed to come to dinner, so now you're stuck.”

“Look, why don't we do this instead? Why don't you come to my house for dinner, and then we'll head to your house for the sleepover,” I suggested.

There was silence on the other end as Alice contemplated my suggestion.

“That could work. Let me talk to Dad, and I'll get back to you.”

We said our goodbyes, and as I hung up my phone, I heard a noise behind me. Charlie was standing in the kitchen, watching me with a wary expression.

“What is that you don't want to do?” he asked me.

“Um, the Cullens invited me to come over for dinner tomorrow night, but Alice just told me that Dr. Cullen invited Mr. Laurent and his family over to dinner as well. Seeing as how Victoria and I aren't exactly best friends, I told Alice that I didn't want to eat dinner with them.”

“Suck it up, kiddo.”

What? Did Charlie just tell me to suck it up? Whose side was he on?

“I'm sorry. Did you just tell me to suck it up?” I asked him.

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