Wild Hope

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A/N:  Thank you all so much for reading and thanks for leaving reviews.  Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  


I woke up feeling excited and jittery as if I'd had six cups of coffee. Today was going to be interesting, of that I had no doubt. I stumbled toward the bathroom, managing to bang my knee in the process, and quickly dressed after showering. I eyed the stairs as I cautiously made my way down them. Last thing I needed was a repeat of yesterday afternoon. Sadly, I was sure there would be a repeat of yesterday's Stair Olympics in my future.

After a quick breakfast, I got my bag and made my way out to Chuck. The voice of Bob Dylan greeted me from the radio as I turned Chuck on and headed out of the driveway. The closer I got to school, the more nervous I started to feel. I was going to attempt to stand up to Victoria today should she hunt me down, which she most likely would. Especially once she found out that I had no intention of talking to Mr. Banner and asking for a new lab partner. I was still on the fence about talking to Edward in regards to Victoria and her attitude toward me. After all, she was his girlfriend and no guy wants to hear someone talking shit about his girl . . . even if the shit is true. Letting out a sigh, I pulled into the school parking lot and found a spot near Ben's Civic where he and Angela were waiting.

 I waved as I climbed out of the truck and walked over to them. "Oh Bella, what happened to your head?" Angela asked me as I got closer to them.

 I touched the bandage on my head and replied, "Stair Olympics."

 Ben grinned at me. "So what score did the judges give you?"

"Six. I didn't stick the landing." I laughed. "So guess who sent me a friend request?"

Angela grinned at me. "Let me guess. He's about six foot two, plays football, and has gorgeous hair." I nodded.

"I have gorgeous hair," I heard Ben mumble.

I reached over and ruffled his hair. "Of course you do, Ben. So yes, Edward and I are now friends, well on Facebook anyways. He and I chatted a bit last night, and I realized that you were right, Angela. Edward is his own person, and I'm not going to ask Mr. Banner for a new partner. Although, I'm still not sure if I should talk to Edward about Bitchtoria."

Angela smiled at me as we walked into the building. "I'm glad you've decided not to let her run you off. It's up to you if you want to talk to Edward about her, but I think you should. But, that's just my opinion."

Leaning over, I hugged her and told her how much I appreciated her opinions. I stopped by my locker and quickly gathered up the crap I would need for my first few classes and then followed Ben and Angela to homeroom. Once homeroom was over, we headed to English where we gathered into groups of four to discuss our ideas. I got put in a group with Mike, Angela, and Tanya. I wasn't exactly thrilled. Tanya was one of Victoria's sheep, and she sat there with her fake hair and fake tan, arms crossed, glaring at me.

"So ladies, let's begin, shall we?" Mike said. "I'll go first. I'm gonna write about this epically awesome tale of gore and horror involving vampires. Only my vampires aren't going to be like normal vampires. These vamps don't ever sleep, some of them have super powers, garlic doesn't bother them, and they're glittery."

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