Daydream Believer

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A/N: Oh, my lovelies, you all rock!  I love the reviews that I get from you all.  They completely make my day.  I do my best to respond to each one, although not always in a timely fashion.  I've also been working on another story.  I'll wait until this and DFL are done before I begin to post it.  But I can tell you it's a B/E story and it's roughly 235 pages so far.  


I woke up a nervous wreck. Today was the day . . . the day that I would tell Edward all about Bitchtoria and her attitude toward me. I flopped onto my back and stared at my ceiling, running through what I was going to say. I'd already decided to just get it out of the way once I got in his car. If he didn't like what I had to say, then tough luck. If, for some reason, he refused to drive me over to his house, I'd just have Alice come get me, or I'd get in Chuck and follow him. Okay. Maybe not. That could be seen as a bit stalkerish. Then a thought occurred to me. We never discussed what time I was going over there! I hopped out of bed and stumbled to my computer. One of these days, I was going to save up enough money to get a laptop; that way I could stay all comfy in bed while playing my Facebook games. While the computer was booting up, I headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After showering, I logged onto Facebook. I hoped that someone from the Cullen clan was on-line so I could find out what time Edward was getting me. I noticed that Alice was on, so I sent her a short message asking what time I should expect Edward.

Alice Cullen: edwards coming to get you? i was going to come get you. why doesnt he ever tell me anything.

Bella Swan: oh. i didnt realize that. edward volunteered to come get me last night when we were talking.

Alice Cullen: no biggie. but he better not try to interfere with our girl day. ill send him over around 1. is that okay?

I looked at the clock noticing that it was a little after eleven.

Bella Swan: sounds good.

Alice Cullen: yay! cya soon.

After replying to her, I closed the chat and logged off.  Getting up,  I opened up my closet to try to figure out what to wear. It wasn't like I was particularly picky about clothes, but I was going to be hanging out with Alice, the Forks Fashionista.

I decided on a pair of nice jeans and a blue shirt with three quarter sleeves. I braided my hair and headed downstairs to make a sandwich. As I was cutting up the tomato to put on my sandwich, the knife slipped, and I took off my thumb. Okay, not really, but it could have happened. Having been through this many times before, I quickly washed the blood off, bandaged it, and went back to my sandwich making. Before I knew it, one o'clock had rolled around, and I heard a knock on the door.

I quickly ran to the door and opened it. There, standing on my porch, was a sight to behold. Edward flashed me a grin and leaned against the door frame.

"You ready?"

I nodded, grabbed my wallet and keys, and locked the door. Edward gestured toward his Volvo, and I headed down the front steps. Of course, I managed to trip on the last step. I threw my hands out in front of me to stop the cement from hitting me in the face, when Edward's hand reached out and caught me. He shook his head at me and asked if I was okay. I gave him a sheepish smile and told him I was fine. He opened the passenger door for me, and I climbed inside. Once seated, I took a deep breath to calm myself and was immediately engulfed in his smell. God, he smelled good. He climbed in and gave me a smile. I returned his smile and looked down, noticing that my hands were starting to shake. I clasped them together and took another deep breath. It was now or never.

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