Everybody Hurts

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A/N: I heart you guys!  I really do.  Thank you all so much for the reviews and love that you give this story!


I awoke Monday morning with a smile on my face. I was still giddy over the almost kiss with Edward and couldn't contain the joy I felt when I thought about him. I went about my usual morning routine, and once I was dressed, I headed downstairs for a quick breakfast. After gulping down some cereal and milk, I headed out the door and started up Chuck. For the first time in a long time, I was actually looking forward to going to school. Of course, I was excited to see Edward. Last night, we had established the fact that we were friends and that we liked each other, and I was thrilled. I arrived in the school parking lot, just as Edward and Alice pulled up. I parked next to the mom-mobile, grabbed my bag, and got out.

"Good morning!" Alice sang.

Normally, I hated morning people, but today even Alice's overly cheerful attitude didn't bother me.

"Good morning, Alice."

Edward stepped over to me and tugged playfully on my ponytail.

"What? I don't get a 'good morning'?" he asked.

I turned to him and felt my heart start to race. He was so beautiful. And that smile. Oh, that smile made me melt.

"Good morning, Edward."

"Good morning to you, too, Bella."

After exchanging our pleasantries, we started our walk into the building, and that's when the drama started. It had being going so well. I'd managed to go a few days without any drama, so I should have expected it. Jasper and Emmett had caught up to us as well as Ben and Angela, and the seven of us were talking about our weekend, when we heard the shrill voice of Victoria screeching out Edward's name.

"Ah, fuck," I mumbled under my breath. Alice must have heard me, because she gave me a sympathetic look as Victoria stalked her way over to us.

"Eddie! I missed you yesterday," she whined as she leaned in to plant a kiss on him. I turned my head to avoid seeing it. The last thing I wanted to see was Edward and Victoria kissing. Angela tapped my arm to let me know it was okay to look. That was when Victoria noticed me. Her eyes narrowed, and she looked less than pleased to see me. I quickly looked away, not wanting to meet her eyes, afraid that she would be able to see that I had almost kissed her boyfriend. As I turned away, I found myself face-to-face with Emmett.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Just ignore whatever bullshit comes flying out of her mouth. That's what I do, 'kay?"

I gave him a small smile and nodded my head. I mentally prepared myself for her verbal attack and turned back to face her. Before she could open her mouth to say anything, Edward bent down and said something in her ear. Whatever he said didn't meet Victoria's approval because she yanked her arm away from him.

"Oh, we'll definitely be talking later, Eddie," she snarled at him, turning on her heel and stomping through the doors. She was pissed! Edward let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. I itched to reach out and run my fingers through his hair as well but managed to keep myself from doing so.

"What was that all about?" Emmett asked Edward as we walked in the doors and down the hallway.

"Hmmm . . . Oh, I told her I needed to talk to her about something, and now she's all pissed off," he said.

"Good luck with that, bro," Emmett told him, clapping him on the back, and then took off to meet up with Rose.

"Well . . . I'll see you in Biology, Bella."

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