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A/N: On you go!  Oh, and btw, I borrowed the term boybarians from CassandraLowery.  Thank you all so much for reading and supporting this story!

Five Years Later:


I looked over at my wife of five years as we lay on the beach on Isle Esme. She was even more beautiful now than she was when we first met. She would argue that she wasn't, but she was.

"What?" She asked, peering over the top of her sunglasses.

I shook my head. "Just thinking how beautiful you are."

She let out a snort before rolling over onto her stomach. "You need to get your eyes checked."

It was my turn to snort. We had this same argument every time. I was about to dispute her, when the alarm on my phone went off.

"Come on, Mrs. Cullen. Time to call the rugrat," I told her, standing up and holding out a hand to her.

After gathering up our towels, we walked back to the house and set about calling our son. Owen was born two years ago, during my third year of medical school. He wasn't planned, but he was a welcome and wonderful surprise.

I was in my first year of residency and had two more to go. I would be done right around my 30th birthday. After Owen was born, Bella left the editing position that she'd had and had gotten a job writing freelance articles for a couple of different magazines out of Seattle. This allowed her to work from home and spend time with our boy.

Emmett and Rose were doing fantastic. Emmett was still teaching and coaching, and Rose owned a auto repair shops. They had three kids already. Sometimes, I still had a hard time wrapping my head around it. Their oldest, Jack, had just turned six, while their youngest, Lily, was six months.

Alice and Jasper were still living in Seattle. Jasper was finishing up his Master's Degree and was going to head straight into getting his Ph.D. They had two kids. Their daughter, Mia, was five and their son, Will, was three.

We did our best to meet up at least twice a month for a weekend. We all usually stayed at my parents' house. They loved it. My parents doted all of the kids and were in their element when surrounded by their grandkids.

"Hi, baby," Bella said into the phone.

I heard a stream of babble and a few words here and there as she talked to our boy. I knew that as much as she was enjoying the peace and quiet, she missed him terribly. I knew I did.

"Ma! Da!"

"Hey, buddy. Are you behaving for Grammie and Papa."

"Yes. Woot!" he shouted causing us to laugh.

Woot was his favorite word, one that his Uncle Emmett had taught him.

We talked to him for a few minutes, telling him we loved him before Mom came on the line.

"Are you enjoying your anniversary?" Mom asked.

"Of course. How can you come to Isle Esme and not enjoy it?" Bella asked. "But I miss my little guy."

I watched in horror as she started to tear up. This was the first time that we'd been away from Owen for a lengthy amount of time.

"He misses his mommy and daddy as well, but you'll be back in a week. I'm sure we can manage to spoil him rotten in the meantime."

Of that, I had no doubt.


Five more years later

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