Chapter 48

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@ my friend who knows who she is; I updated, are you happy now?

Last chapter btw if you want an epilogue you can ask, but I wasn't planning on writing one just so you know, but I'll gladly write one if you want


Everything was bright as Evan opened his eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden change in lighting. The last thing he remembered was being cold, an icy feeling had been running through his veins before everything had gone dark and numb. Now, everything just seemed to be way brighter than it should be. He felt like he was floating, just a bit, like he was still in the water and his body was swaying with the gentle waves.

Was this what heaven felt like?


"Tyler, you're aware of the victim's condition, right?" It twisted Tyler's insides that the police referred to Evan as a victim. It sounded wrong. Evan wasn't a victim, he was Tyler's best friend. Best friends don't hurt each other, Evan had to be fine. He was always fine.

Fuckboys are fine.

"He told me he was going home, he said he wanted to go home..." Tyler spoke hollowly, remembering how Evan had begged Tyler to let him go home as he lay on the grass. There was desperation in his eyes, he didn't want to be with Tyler. Tyler knew he didn't want to be there, but he wanted him there. He forced him there.

"I know he did, but, he's not home, Tyler, not in the home we know, at least. He's in a different home." Tyler didn't understand what the officer was saying, looking at him from across the table he had been handcuffed to.

"He's sleeping in his bed at home, I know he is. He didn't feel well after the party, he went home to sleep....he went home!" Tyler insisted even though he knew he was lying to himself. That wasn't what happened at the party, he knew that Luke and Jonathan would explain what really happened. He knew that they had evidence of what happened, he knew.

The officer shook his head, motioning for his partner to leave the room. "No, Tyler, he's not. Unfortunately, Evan passed away a few minutes ago. We have his note if you would like to read it-"

"You're lying." Tyler spoke, unable to comprehend the words he had heard. It couldn't be true, he couldn't have pushed Evan over the edge, he couldn't have, it didn't make sense. Evan was fine, yes he had his issues with certain things but, he wouldn't do that....he wouldn't. "He's at home, he's sleeping." The officer shook his head once again.

"I'm sorry, Tyler, but it's the truth. Now," his voice lowered, capturing the arrested teen's attention, "why don't you tell me what really happened at that party?" He pulls out the disc, stored in a plastic bag with a flimsy paper cover for it. "Can you explain this too? The night Evan broke up with his boyfriend?" Tyler gulped.

Was it too late to say that him and Evan had technically been dating? Or, maybe they hadn't. His memory had been growing fuzzy, the shock of what the officer told him was running deep.

Fuckboys are fine.

Tyler looked at how scared Evan had been as he lay on the grass, barely knowing what was happening because of the drug in his system. As he remembered the party, Tyler's face paled. He knew that the officer could read his body language, he was a cop, after all.

"Tyler?" The boy snapped his head up, his fearful eyes looking everywhere except the officer who called his name. "Tyler, I'm gonna need you to answer my questions, alright? Just tell me what happened and maybe," the officer sighs, rubbing at his eyes with one hand, the other sliding across the metal surface of the table. Tyler looked down, guilt pressing on his shoulders. "Maybe we can cut you a deal." The tone of his voice made it clear to Tyler that he was being lied to. "Just tell me what happened." The officer's voice was softer, gentler than the harsh voice he had been using before. "All your other friends are out there waiting, they want to know what happened to. The victim's-"

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