Chapter 9

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I haven't been on this app all day so I completely forgot to update this earlier lol


"Do you think it's too soon to start working on the english project?" Evan asked out of nowhere, breaking the silence amongst his friends. "I just, I just don't want to rush it."

"You just want to start it now because you know you're gonna have a hard time." David joked, nudging Lui's shoulder, Evan's question now forgotten as everyone began to laugh.

"Shut up, I do actually want a good grade on this." He shot a playful glare at David, trying to brush off his comment. Surprisingly, he actually couldn't. "Does anybody have some alcohol?" He asked, looking around as all his friends shook their heads.

"Sorry, bud, can't help your alcoholism today." Lui laughed, and Evan forced himself to chuckle. It was a good joke, he had to convince himself, it was funny and he should laugh.

"Whatever, I'm just gonna start the project. I'm sure Jonathan was going to pester me about it anyway."

"Exactly, because he knows you don't know shit about love." Tyler spoke up, smirking playfully at him.

"Not to mention I'm shit at writing." Evan had given up at defending himself, his friends would poke fun at him for as long as they could. He checked his phone to get the time. "I gotta go, Jonathan and I are meeting at his place in like fifteen minutes."

"Use protection." Brock mumbled under his breath, giggling.

Evan rolled his eyes, scowling. "Can you guys find something else to joke about for once?" He snapped, getting up and leaving.


He nervously stood in front of the door, heart beating rapidly as he forced himself to ring the doorbell. Ringing it twice, he brought his hand back and clasped it together with his other, rocking back and forth on the balls of his heels as he waited for his english partner to answer the door.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out to see a text from Tyler.

Tyler: dude you should totally make a move ;)

As he read the message, his throat felt a bit dry and he could hear the shuffling of footsteps coming from inside. Hurriedly, he replied to the message before forcing his phone back into his pocket.

Evan: shut up, tyler

"Hey Evan." Jonathan's voice caused Evan to jump suddenly as his head shot up. The boy's soft laughter that followed Evan's action made him a little bit less angry at him for scaring him. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine. I wasn't p-paying attention, it's fine, all my fault." Evan smiled at him, trying to control his urge to say anything more.

As he was lead inside, Jonathan explained that his parents weren't home- at which point he turned to look for Evan's reaction, even though it appeared that he had barely been listening.

"So, you wanted to start writing out some poems? Maybe work on our individual essays along the way? Well, I should probably warn you, I'm not a good writer. Especially when it comes to romance and love and all that sappy shit." Evan spoke as soon as they reached Jonathan's room, looking around the place and trying to make it seem like he was just curious instead of trying to get to know him better by seeing the things he liked. "Nice room." He commented.

"Uh, thanks?" Jonathan didn't know how to act around Evan, he was totally different than what he had expected. So far, there had been no attempts to get with him. Even when they were this close to his bed. "You're nicer than I thought you'd be." He admitted without meaning to.

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