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     It was Jimin's first day of school and he was so anxious. He was currently waiting for the office lady to give him his schedule. She turns back to him "Here's your schedule but apparently your tour guide has ditched again. You'll have to find your classes on your own. I wrote you a note if you are late to any classes" she says with a smile before looking back at her computer. Jimin smiles thanking her then walks out of the office. What a great start he thinks to himself before looking down at his schedule.

       Jimin got to the school early because he doesn't really like being in crowds. He looks around for his locker first. He finds his locker pretty quick but to his disappointment, the person who owns the locker next to him is already here. Jimin shyly walks over with his head hanging down. He quickly opens his locker and puts some of his books in while the person next to him quickly notices him.

      Taehyung being the friendly person he is, he smiles his signature box smile and greets the transfer student. "Hello there! You must be the new transfer student, I'm Kim Taehyung but call me Tae or Taetae!" Taehyung greets happily peeking by Jimin's locker door. Jimin blushes staring down towards the floor "I-I'm P-Park J-J-Jimin" Jimin stutters out quietly. "You must be the shy type, well that's ok you can get to know me for now! Then when you're comfortable with me I can get to know you more!" Taehyung's smile only got bigger. Jimin smiles softly "O-ok Taetae" Jimin says softly. "Oh my god! You are so adorable!" Taehyung squeals quickly pulling the now crimson red Jimin into a big bear hug.

      After that Taehyung showed Jimin around the whole school, showing him where all his classes were. After that he asked if Jimin would want to eat lunch with him and his friends. Jimin kindly declined the offer, not feeling ready to make any more friends that day.

       After school Taehyung asked for Jimin's Kik while also giving Jimin his.

       As the time passes, Jimin gets more comfortable with Taehyung. It's been a week since Jimin has been in the school and friends with Taehyung. Jimin is now comfortable enough to have his head up with Taehyung but if Taehyung is not there Jimin will simply ignore everyone else. Some of the girls and guys at the school are already taking a liking to Jimin but he doesn't acknowledge them as he is simply to shy to even try and speak to them. He hangs out with Taehyung most of the time he is at the school. He will go to the library if Taehyung can't hang out with him at lunch. Taehyung understands Jimin's wish of not meeting his other friends yet so it has just been them hanging out together.

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