The Trackers and the Trailers

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Chapter Four


"Just try calling him," Ashton said, "It wont hurt...I think."

I nodded, and closed my eyes.

'Trust me,' I heard a voice in my head, making me gasp, 'I know about the link. I have since it began.'

'Okay, now what? We need to hurry, because all this "the end of the universe crap" is scaring me!'

'The school,' he thought, 'I'll get Violet, you get Pheonix, and let's see...'


'Okay! Okay! I'll get the Trackers to get everyone! Just be at my house by seven.'

'Sure,' I thought, 'okay.'

Ashton looked confused, so I said, "He did know."

He nodded, then said, "Now what?"

"The school," I said, "We're going to school."

"Ugh! Please tell me it's not a homework kind of school."

I shrugged, "Dunno."

Ian and Emalie walked up to us.

"What the crap?" Ian asked.

"Yeah! What the crap?" Emalie repeated.

"We set good examples," Ashton smiled lightly as he leaned back.

"You have a link with a person?"

"A mind link?"

I stared at them, "You listened? You are beyond dead!" I said, standing up.

Ian laughed, "I've been able to beat you up since I was born! You don't stand a chance!"


After calling all the Trackers, I plopped down on the couch, and Izzabela asked, "So, what's happening?"

"The school," I said.

"Ew," she muttered. At least she was honest.

Once seven came around, we were all gathered in the small kitchen. The trackers the school had sent were leaning against the walls.

"Okay," I said, "The reason you're all here is because you need to be trained. We're taking you to Taylor's school. You'll learn how to battle and you'll know why you have to. Any questions?"

"Taylor's school?" Emalie asked.

I nodded, "For the people with the elements on their side."

She starred at me like I'd gone crazy.

But I probably had. I mean, a little secret and a promise and now everyone is in danger? What the heck is that? All I know is that we had to get to that school, and the Trackers were about to take us.

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