july 22, 2014

309 3 0

to who i was a year ago...

right now you're probably alone.

you have the door closed,

because you hate the world.

in your room you can be alone

you can stare at nothing

you can listen to angry music.

but open the door kid.

i promise you a better life.

the sun will shine through.

you'll realize that boy is nothing,

he only caused problems.

(you'll drop him soon anyway)

you'll meet a new boy.

he treats you right and loves you.

do. not. lose him.

(things will get hard. don't give up on him.)

sweetie put down the blade.

i promise it doesn't fix a thing.

you're stronger than that.

don't forget you are a flower.

you are still growing

(hell, even i'm still growing)

and sometimes it's too rainy,

sometimes you will bend,

but you will not break.

hang in there kid...

i promise it's brighter over here.


the girl who lived.

june 2, 2014Where stories live. Discover now