june 25, 2014

326 4 0

when drawing,

you always choose the best pencil

or pen

or charcoal stick

that will suit your needs.

when starting out,

you have very light lines

you're taking your time,

making sure little details are perfect.

soon everything is familiar

you're drawing

and rubbing

and and coloring

and god it is so beautiful.

then a mistake happens.

you erase it and tweak it,

maybe 2 or 3 times.

your past pencil marks still remain.

you slow down a little more,

paying more attention.

you don't feel the same though.

you tweak some more,

but now your drawing isn't the same.

you still love it,

but something just is different.

perhaps you erased too much,

or fixed what was already fine,

or maybe your pencil marks

were just too deep.

and maybe that's how love works too.

june 2, 2014Where stories live. Discover now