chapter 11

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"come in and sit down Scarlet."

I walked into the huge room that contained possibly every musical instrument known to man kind. i sat in the stool, in front of the grand piano where my professor for my vocal shops sat to me right.  

"i have a piece that i want to try with you, its a classic." Professor Kingsley pulled out some sheet of paper with lines of music across them. 'Benie and The Jets" was written above the top. Professor Kingsley reminded me of Ms Darbus from High School Musical. The way her glasses sat at the end of her nose and the way she spoke very formally and over dramatised everything. She hated my slang as she couldn't always understand what i was saying and every time i would try and speak with her she told me that i need to learn better English.

"Do you know the song?" Professor Kingsley asked trying to be condescending.

"Actually i do."

"i want you to try and play and sing at the same time." She ordered.

I spread the sheet music out and steadied my fingers above the ivory keys. i sucked in a breath, shut my eyes and began to play letting the music move through me.

"This time i want you to be more heavier on the keys, really push them down hard. without breaking them of course. Try and put more of a growl into your voice. Your voice is powerful and you have a lovely husky sound to it so try and bring that out a bit more."

I must of sung the song another 10 times before she was happy with it. I often wonder if she is this hard on anyone else or does she just not like me.

I opened the door of the music room to find Eleanor sitting down on the ground with a textbook in her lap.

"Hey El"

"Oh Scarlet! you sounded great in there! i've heard you in the shower so i knew you could sing but I've never heard you sing like that! Why don't you try to pursue a singing career?" she asks.

"i don't want to be a singer" i say

"why the hell not? you are amazing"

"i want to make music. I've just never wanted to perform. I love to write lyrics and record music but i think i would prefer to do it for other people ya know? let them do the performing"

I don't know why i don't want to be a singer. i guess I've never really thought I've sounded that good singing so I've always just wanted to make music for other people.

"fair enough, but i really think you should reconsider your career path" Eleanor says winking at me.

We walk back to the dorms together where we find Louis sitting outside the dorm room door.

"thank god you're finally here"

"sorry Lou, i didn't know you were coming over early" El says kissing Louis

"but i texted you"

"sorry my phone went flat" she explained.

"hey Scar" Louis waved.

"hey Lou" i greeted as we all walked inside the room.

"Are you coming over tonight?" Louis asked me as jumped on Eleanor's bed lifting a pillow up to throw it at me.


"Oh! Scarlet, i forgot to ask you. I'm going over to Louis tonight to have some drinks and to watch the world cup and stuff, there is a few of us going if you want to come too."

"Australia are playing aren't they" i raise an eyebrow at the loved up pair lying on El's small bed.

"yes they are so you have to come!" Louis yells.

"oh okay then."

I drove with El and Louis back to Louis' house and helped set up everything. i put plates of food out plastic cups for everyone if they needed it. As i was finishing setting up i could hear voices coming the kitchen so i made my way in there to see who had arrived.

"oh look at you Scar all decked up in your Aussie gear" nialled grabbed the end of my green and yellow scarf and flicked it up towards my face.

"ow! you got my eye you jerk!" i laughed and rubbed my eye. Niall was wearing the opposing teams gear so tonight should be fun filled with a lot of banter.

"im sorry" niall says ruffling my hair.

Zayn, Liam and Liams girlfriend Sophia arrived next. i chatted with Sophia for a while and i could tell that we would be close friends. A few others also arrived, people the i had never met apparently neither had Sophia so we stayed in the corner chatting whilst everyone else were messing around in the living room.

"come do some shots Scar!," Niall yelled from across the room holding shot glasses in one hand and a bottle of raspberry vodka  in the other.

"They will be the only shots that an Australian is gonna be making tonight" He jokes referring to the Football game that doesn't start for a few hours.

"i'll prove you wrong!" i yelled back taking 2 shot glasses out of his hands and handing one to Sophia. She went and stood with Liam and i stood in between Zayn and Niall.

Niall poured the pink/red liquid into all of our glasses and on the count of 3 we all threw our heads back pouring the liquid into our mouth's. When i lifted my head back up i saw Harry walk into the room with a tall, very thin blonde trailing close behind him. They were holding hands, well she was holding his wrist.

The sight of him and her together caused me to choke on the vodka that i hadn't swallowed yet causing me to spit the burning liquid back out spraying all over Zayn and Niall.

i knew who the girl was. Not only because of the fact that there is so many photos of Harry and Her all over the internet but because of her own success and fame and fortune. it was none other than taylor swift.

"Scarlet!" Niall yelled whilst laughing his head off at me. Everyone in the room was laughing, everyone except Harry.


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