XIII: Element

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"Is this our new house?" Aubrey asks looking out through the window of the car.

"Yes baby girl. This is our new home." Demi says as Jesse pulls the SUV into the drive way of their beautiful two-story home.

"The pictures you showed me didn't do it any justice." Jen says from the backseat. She decided to pack up and join them. Demi didn't know anyone in the area, so she needed someone she could trust to watch Aubrey while she was away on business and if Jesse couldn't because of work.

"Looks even better on the inside too." Jesse adds. He pulls into the drive way. "I have to go to the office."

"Babe, the movers should be here any minute."

"I know. I promise I won't be long. I just have some things to take care of and I'll be right back."

"You better not take long and leave me here to unpack everything."

"I won't. I promise." He gives Demi a kiss before she gets out of the car.

"Where's Jesse going?" Aubrey asks as Demi walks to the the front door to unlock it.

"He'll be back. He had to do some things for work."

"Takes off before the movers get here. Sneaky." Demi's mom says.

"Oh, I know. I'm on to him. I'll get him back later." Demi says as she opens the door.

"Wow mija, this beautiful." Jen says as walk around.

"Thank you. So Jesse and I figured you'd like the room down here. You have your own restroom, walk in closet, everything. Of course you don't have to worry about anything. Jesse and I got the bills, groceries and anything you may need, we'll take care of it."

"...and where's my room?" Aubrey asks.

"Upstairs. Come on." The door bell rings as the make their way upstairs.

"Don't worry, I'll get it." Jen says.

"Thanks mom. If anything, it's the movers." And it was. They got right to work. Bringing everything inside and placing furniture wherever Demi directed. Demi and her mom found themselves bumping heads a few times because Jen thought one arrangement looked nice while Demi thought the opposite. Since Demi knew her mom was going to spend a lot of time in the house, they compromised.

While they were getting everything settled in, Jesse finally made it to his new office.

"Williams!" His boss says walking into his office. "How you liking the office?"

"It's pretty nice chief." He says shaking his hand.

"More files on the Ruiz case. We're not sure how long he's going to be state side, but we have a chance to nail this guy."

"Oh. I plan to."

"Good. See you Monday morning."

After getting things settled, Jesse grabs the files and heads back home.

"I'M HOME!" Jesse yells as he walks in the house. "AND I HAVE FOOD!"

He makes his way to the kitchen and Demi soon walks in, wearing leggings, one of Jesse's shirts and hair in a pony tail.

"How's the house coming along?" He asks.

"Pretty well, no thanks to you." Demi jokes. "You're not slick at all."

"I was going to come back anyway. Besides, the movers did all the heavy lifting, and I suck at decorating and shit, so I let you ladies make this our home."

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