XI: Just Friends

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"Mommy, when can I start going on trips with you again?" Aubrey asks sitting next to Demi's suitcase as Demi fills it with clothes.

"When you don't have to go to school."

"You make me do school stuff when I don't even have to go. Why can't I just do that?"

"First of all, I make you read. That's all. Me making you read and you going to school to learn a lot more is different. Aubs, you know the deal. You do this every time."

"Because I hate it when you leave."

"I leave so that we can live in this beautiful home, so that you have clothes on your back and food on the table."

"Okay." She says sadly. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Of course. I love it when I get to cuddle with my babygirl." Demi says gently tapping the tip of her nose. "Let's get you tucked in because I won't be done any time soon." Demi says pulling the covers back.

"Can I watch tv until your done?"

"So you can give me the toughest time in the morning? No ma'am. Bed time."

Aubrey dramatically flops down on the pillow and Demi walks into the bathroom to get everything she needs out of there.

Soon her phone that's on the bed charging next to Aubrey starts vibrating and a picture of Jesse and Demi pops up.

Soon her phone that's on the bed charging next to Aubrey starts vibrating and a picture of Jesse and Demi pops up

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"Mommy!!! Jesse's calling." She says before hitting the green button. "Hey Jesse!!" She says has his face pops up on the screen.

"Heyyy sweetie. What are you still doing up?"

"I'm about to go to bed. Mommy's making me."

"Where is your mom?"

"I'm coming!" Demi yells from the bathroom.

"She said she's coming."

"Okay, well you have a good day at school tomorrow."

"I will. Have fun at work."

Jesse giggles. "I will."

"Okay, here's Mommy. Bye." She waves.

"Goodnight sweetie."

Aubrey hands the phone to Demi and walks back into the bathroom. "Hey you." She says.

"Hey, just wanted to hear your voice before I go to bed."

"I wish you were here. I'd like to have seen my other baby before I take off tomorrow."

"I wanted to be the one to take you to the airport, but I have to be here early in the morning."

"Aw baby, I would have loved that, but I completely understand. I want you to come with me some time. You need a vacation."

"It's not a vacation when you're working. We'd have to plan a real vacation. Where there's no work involved. Just me, you and Aubrey." He suggests.

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