V: A Way With Words

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After Jesse leaves, Demi walks back into the kitchen with a big smile on her face.

"What are you smiling about?" Court asks.

"I uhh, I kinda have a date tomorrow. With Jesse." She says then smiles. "Court, can you watch Aubrey for me?"

"Of course. Just bring her over whenever you're ready."


Demi doesn't stay at the gathering too late, she has to get back to Aubrey who's at home with grandma. She gets home and Jennifer and Aubrey are on the couch snuggled up watching TV.


"Hi Baby!" Demi says as she picks her daughter up. "I missed you."

"Missed you more."

"How was the party?" Jen asks.

"It was good, mom. Really good." Demi smiles. "Hey, how come you aren't in your pjs."

"Abuelita said I could wait till you got home to take a bath."

"Uh huh, well guess what.."

"You're home." Aubrey says giggling.

"Mmhm...go ahead and go upstairs, I'll be up there in a minute."

"Beso first?" She asks.

Demi smiles and gives her baby girl a kiss. "Now go bathe." Aubrey runs upstairs to her room to get her pjs out.

"Okay, who is he?" Jennifer asks.

"How do you automatically figure it's a guy?"

"Only a guy could have you smiling the way you were when you walked in. Or it could be a girl, either one."

"It's a guy, and we're going out tomorrow."

"What's his name?"


"Ooooo, what does he do?"

"He's an FBI agent and that's all I know. So no more questions please."

"Do you need me to watch Aubrey?"

"No, you had her today, so I'm taking her to Courtney."

"Okay, let me know if anything changes and she can't watch her. Oh and also word of advice, no sex on the first date."

"Can you not, please. I can handle myself."

"I know you can. A little reminder doesn't hurt though." She says grabbing her purse. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'll call you tomorrow." Demi walks her mother to the door and gives her a kiss on the cheek goodbye. After locking up and turning off the tv and lights she heads upstairs to Aubrey's bathroom.

"Ready to get out?" Demi asks grabbing the towel.

"Mhm." Aubrey grabs the towel. After hopping out of the tub, she quickly gets dressed and follows Demi to her bedroom.

"I'm gonna take a shower. I won't be long okay."

"Okay." Aubrey hops in Demi's bed and before going into the bathroom, demi turns on the TV and turns it to Aubrey's favorite channel.

Demi takes a quick shower and joins her daughter in bed. It's not long before she's asleep for the night. Demi stays awake, waiting for a call from Jesse. Glancing at her phone every five minutes for the next thirty minutes or so, she decided to call it a night. She turns off the television and as she's about to turn out the light, her phone rings. It's an unknown number, but the only person she gave her number to was Jesse. She smiles and hits the green button.

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