IV: Duty Calls

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"WILLIAMS." Jesse snaps out of it and looks away from his computer to see the chief standing by the door of the briefing room.


"Any day now. We're ready to start."

"My bad Chief. Coming." After exiting out of all programs and locking his computer. He heads to the briefing room and takes a seat to his partner, Wes." He looks over and Wes is shaking his head. Jesse smirks and turns his attention to the chief who's beginning the briefing on a new case.

"So why were you late today?" Wes asks as they make their way back to their desks.

"Doing a little research." He smirks. "So What's our next move?"

"Our first witness."

"Lets go. You're driving." Jesse says grabbing his jacket.

On the way to their destination, the usual conversation ensues. "I'm not sure why you come to me for marriage advice. I'm not even married."

"Yeah but you're experienced with the ladies, that's good enough."

"I don't know about the experience part. It's been forever since I been on a date." Jesse refutes. "...and the last date I went on, the girl had a boyfriend." He adds.

"Ohhh Yeah, I remember that."

"Yeah, dude tried fight me. I flashed my piece and dumbass took off running."

We laughs. "They're not all like that."

"Yeah I know. This morning I saw this beautiful, BEAUTIFUL woman. Oh my goodness, it was like staring at an angel."

"Okaaay. Did you get a number?"

"No....I didn't notice until she was leaving. I chased her down though. Long enough to get a license plate and look her up."

"I would have pulled her over."

"I couldn't. I got pulled over myself." Jesse says laughing to himself. "I don't know, hopefully I see her again some day, if not, wasted opportunity."

"Who knows, maybe you will."


That following week Wes and his wife throw a small get together at their house with some family and friends. Jesse pulls up to the house, grabs the case of beer out of the front seat and heads inside. He makes his way to the kitchen, greeting everyone he comes in contact with.

"Jesse! You made it." Stephanie, Wes' wife says.

"Of course. Sorry I'm so late." He says giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Where's your husband?"

"He's somewhere around here."

"...and the boys?"

"Most likely in their rooms playing video games."

"Nothing out of the ordinary." He says then finally notices she has company in the kitchen with her. "My apologi.." he stops in his tracks, noticing the beautiful woman from starbucks. "My apologies."

"Oh no, that's my bad." Steph intervenes. "Jesse, I'd like you to meet a couple friends of mine. This is Courtney."

"Nice to meet you." Jesse holds out his hand and she gently shakes it.

"...and this is Demi."

"...hi, it's nice to meet you." He shakes her hand.

"It's nice to meet you.." Their eyes meet and stay locked for a few seconds. Demi looks down and notices he still has her hand. "Ummm, is it okay if I have my hand back?" She giggles.

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