III: Agent Williams

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"So this man had a whole woman?" Courtney asks, stunned.

"Yes, a whole woman." Demi reassured. "Even though the bitch threatened me, I feel kinda feel bad for her. I know for a fact I'm not the only one he's pulled this on."

"Just imagine if his ass didn't get caught."

"I know. He was handsome, successful.."

"...and probably married."

"Exactly." Demi says in agreement. "Just so you know, this is your fault, and it's official, I'm no longer going on blind dates. I might not be so lucky next time."

"Well, Hey, I tried."

"Yes, you did. Now try not to meddle anymore. What's meant to be will happen on its own."


A few days later Demi's back home from her business trip to New York. With a couple days off, Demi gets some time to herself and to relax while Aubrey's at school. If it was up to Demi, Aubrey would skip the next two days of school so that she can spend much needed time with her daughter.

After dropping Aubrey off at school, demi heads to the nearest Starbucks. She orders then her phone rings, so she goes to the table in the corner to take the call. During the call, barista calls her name, notifying her that her order is ready. On her way to the counter, she catches the eye of a guy waiting on his drink. He stares her down her every move, wanting to make a move of his own, but he doesn't. Seeing that she's clearly in the middle of a call, he doesn't want to be rude.

As she walks out of the door, his name is called. "I got a Venti White Mocha, extra shot of espresso for Jesse." He quickly gets up, constantly looking outside to see what kind of car Demi gets into. He thanks the barista and grabs his drink. He jets for the door and gets to his car. He spots her car going down the road and pulls out of the parking lot to try and catch her.

Going well above the speed limit, dodging cars left and right to try and catch up. He even runs a red light, which quickly grabs the attention of an officer on the opposite side of the road. The officer makes a U-turn and speeds after him. He looks up and to see lights in his rear view mirror.

"Damnit." He says as he slows down and pulls to the side and rolls down his window.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite FBI agent. I knew that was you."

"Really Miles?"

"Where you goin in such a hurry?"

"Chasing down some beautiful woman I just saw in starbucks." Jesse admits.

"I see nothing's changed. I'm surprised you didn't turn on your lights and pull her over. You remember how you used to be." He says noticing the lights on his undercover SUV. He and Jesse were partners at the police department before he moved to the bureau. 

"I was 18 back then. Fresh on the force and what can I say, the ladies love a man in uniform, so I took advantage." He says with a tone of cockiness.

"Now you're all grown up and fancy now. Drinking coffee from Starbucks and shit. Coffee from the corner store isn't good enough for you anymore?" Miles asks sarcastically.

"Nope. Can I go now officer, you're gonna make me late for work."

"Yup. We're all done." Miles tears off a piece of paper from his notepad.

"And what the hell is this?"

"You were going at least 15 over the speed limit my man."

"You bastard."

Miles chuckles. "Have a good day Agent Williams."

"I'm not paying for this asshole." Jesse yells out his window. Jesse shakes his head and pulls off. He gets to work and tosses the ticket on his desk. He'll take care of it later. On the rest of the ride to work, he couldn't stop thinking about the woman he saw in Starbucks. He was mesmerized. Even though he didn't get a name or a number, he didn't get a license plate, and being in the FBI did have its perks. He could investigate anyone he wanted and all he really wanted was a name. He signs on to his computer and decides to search the plate before a briefing on a new case he's just been assigned to.

"Miss Demetria Lovato." He says as the one and only match pops up. Now all he could do is hope that he'd see her again.

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