XII: I Love You

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"So was I wrong?" Demi asks after explaining the entire situation to her mom.

"Let's look at it from another perspective. If you found out he went to dinner with some other woman, didn't tell you, and you had to find out from someone else, wouldn't you feel like he was being shady and secretive."

"That's not answering the question, mom."

"Hey, you came to me for advice." Jen snaps. "All I'm saying is, not telling him made it look like you had something to hide. Jesse seems mature enough to handle that type of situation of you just communicate with him. So yes, the way you went about it was wrong. You're in a serious committed relationship now, communication is important."

Demi sighs. "I know. Wait, you were done right? I don't want you snapping at me again." Demi half way jokes.

"I'm done. Now, take your daughter and go make things right."

"Orrrrrrr she can get some extra time with abuelita and I can go try to work things out with my boyfriend again." Demi smiles.

"I just had her for four days. My babysitting duties are done. You can do whatever it is when she goes to sleep for the night."

"Fair enough. Thank you for watching her, as always. I don't know what I'd do with out you. I love you."

"I love you more. Now go home, make up with your man and get some rest. You look exhausted."

"I am." Demi says getting up from the table. "I'll call you tomorrow."


"What are you thinking for dinner Aubs?" Demi asks as they're on their way home.

"Can we get Chinese?"

"That actually sounds really good right now."

"Is Jesse gonna come over?"

"I don't know. I'll call him—Siri, call, 'My Honey'"

"Hello?" He says, answering after about the fourth ring.


"Hi Jesse!"

"Hey sweetie." He says with a smile. "What are you up to?"

"Me and mommy are going home."

"Yeah, but we were gonna stop for Chinese and were wondering if you'd like to join us, and maybe later we could, you know, talk."

"I was actually on my way to go get something to eat. I'll call it in and go get it. You go ahead and go home, I know you're tired."

"Thank you."

"See you soon." He says before hanging up. Demi let's out a sigh of relief as the phone disconnects.

"You really like him, don't you?" Demi asks her babygirl.

Aubrey nods. "He's so nice. Are you guys going to get married? I want him to be my daddy."

"Woah there baby. No one's getting married anytime soon. But I'm glad that you like him."

They get home and while waiting for Jesse, Demi gets Aubrey showered and ready for bed. Afterwards they head downstairs and watch tv until he shows up.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Aubrey complains.

"He's on his way baby."

"He's taking foreveeeeerrrr." Soon they hear the door open and Jesse walks into the living room. "Omg foooood!"

"I swear I have the most dramatic child ever." Jesse takes a seat on the other side of Aubrey, putting her between them two. "Thank you for picking up dinner."

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