Twenty six

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“Just trust me, okay?” Sehun kissed the younger softly. M/N hummed as an ‘alright’, giving Sehun his consent.

“Sehun, you don't have to do this if you don't want to...” M/N sighed and caressed Sehun's cheek, causing the elder to lean into the smaller's touch.

“I love you and I want you. You're so special to me... I need you in my life.” Sehun kissed the younger from his jaw to collarbone, going lower and stopping at the boy's chest.

“Sehun- fuck...” M/N bit his lip to suppress any other moans that would come later on.

“No, baby. I wanna hear you, okay?”
M/N nodded and bucked his hips as soon as Sehun grazed his crotch

(Lmao I literally can't I have no smut inspiration at the moment so imagine this shit ight moving on)



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uwu.M/N I love this dude smh @uwu.sunjen

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oohsehun Oh really?
exhoe @oohsehun OH SHIT SOMEONE'S JEALOUS well you just fucked yourself over
jin.soooo ^ yo ass finna get obliterated
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I have 400 followers yay ig anygay sorry for not updating I'm currently going through a hard ass writers block so...

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