Twenty three

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“Baby, you gotta wake up,” Sehun pet M/N only to get a low groan from the latter. “You'll be late for practice and I have to get on a plane in a few hours.”

“Don't leave me. Please?” The younger looked up at the one he was on top of.

“You know I can't do that,” He rubbed M/N'sback. “It'll only be about two weeks, okay?” M/N sadly nodded and laid his head on the middle of Sehun's chest.

“I know I might be saying this too soon, even though I used to say it a lot before I actually met you; but I love you. With every ounce of blood in my body.” He paused. “Your heart's beating fast. Just what I wanted. Let's go, we can't be late.”



♥1,294,380allkpop Oh Sehun seen at Incheon airport kissing who appears to be Zhang M/N

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allkpop Oh Sehun seen at Incheon airport kissing who appears to be Zhang M/N

View all 857,264 comments They're saying goodbye to each other. Leave them be.
jin.soooo ^
uwu.sunjen ^^
exhoe ^^^

Use your imagination or some shit because this is the only pic I could find. It's daytime and you guys are  near the other boys who're boarding the plane

K bye.

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