Chapter 12

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"This is where you've been having your private time with that bimbo?!" Gwen barged into the abandoned sports equipment room after Audrey told her about what she saw before leaving the tennis court with Hadley.

"Gwen! It's not what you think at all!" William tried to reason but from what Gwen witnessing right now, it's not very convincing.

"Really? With her naked and you without your pants, I don't think there any needs to explain, I know what's going on here William!" Gwen placed both hands on her waist, glaring at William.

"Gwen, babe! You know what kind of guy I am! She came to me and seduce me with her... well-endowed body. I swear babe, there's nothing going on with me and her," Gwen had it. This is not the first time he was caught doing something like this. Gwen's patience was at capacity.

"Save it, William! WE'RE OVER!" Before Gwen walk away, she decided to slap William across the face, leaving him dumbfounded.

"GWEN! COME BACK!" William screamed for his ex-girlfriend.

Gwen ignores his calling and ran across the busy hallway, trying to find her friends. When she saw Gianna was talking to Hadley by their locker, she practically ran for them before pulled them both into a hug.

"Whoa! What's wrong? Gwen? Are you crying?! What happened to you?" Gianna asked while looking at Hadley who shrugging her shoulder.

"William's with that bimbo! They were having sex! He cheated again G! Again!" Both Gianna and Hadley rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

"You finally found him right-handed huh, good for you," Hadley glared at Audrey.

"Did you told her?! I told you to stay out of this! Why can't you shut your mouth for once!" Audrey smirk.

"Honey, you know what kind of lips I possessed. You've like it when I go down on you with this lips. Besides, what kind of friend I'll be if I just stay out of this and make her suffer in the end?" Audrey winked.

"Audrey! Seriously! Sometimes, you're even worse than the devil," Hadley rolled her eyes when Audrey let her tongue out.

"Come on! Don't cry! You're Gwen after all! You don't need to cry for a man like that! There's a lot of guys out here and even girls if you're into that," Audrey joked but it's really not the perfect place nor time for it.

"Gwen!" William jogged towards her ex with heavy breathing. Audrey crossed her hands when he noticed this cheater approached Gwen.

"William! This is not the time, please go," Gianna tried to be civil.

"No! Gwen, please listen. I don't even like her, I like you. Babe, please forgive me. I promise, I won't do it again," Hadley scoffed.

"That's what you said before and before that as well! William, please just go," William groaned.

"Shut up! I'm not talking to you, bitch!" Audrey was not happy when somebody else called her girlfriend like that. She pushed the back of his head before facing him.

"Who are you calling a bitch, bastard! She clearly saw you with that woman! What more do you have to show that you're not faithful?!" William took a step forward while Audrey was unfazed by his size.

"Listen here, bitch! This is between Gwen and me! You and the rest of your posse should shut up and let me talk to my girlfriend!" Audrey pokes his chest using her finger.

"EX-girlfriend, EX! She's not yours anymore!" Once again Audrey poke his chest making him angry. He was being belittled in front of every student body and he just can't let it go.

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