Chapter 12: New Roommate and The Cold Ones

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My eyes fluttered open due to the loud sound of rustling coming from the other end in my room. The only person that would be in my room is no one other than Jacob since he had been sleeping over at my house for the past three nights.

I sit up and wipe the sleep from my eyes, regaining focus on the werewolf teenager standing up by the window. He were still wearing his pajamas; his hair messy and a small laugh came to my lips when I noticed his scooby doo pajama pants.

I glance over to my alarm clock, the blinking red lights indicating 5:40 am. School started around seven am, which means we still had about a little over an hour to get ready.

Which begs the question:

"Why are you up so early?"

"My dad called..." he started, looking over at me with a frown on his face. "Um, yeah, the Cullen's are back."

I sigh and remove the covers off my legs, feeling the goosebumps appear when the cold air hits. I turn on my lamp, watching the dark shadows disappear when the light surrounded the whole room.

"It'll be okay, Jake. Remember what I said, another girl could come around. For right now, let's just not think about it." I smile reassuringly and close the bathroom door before getting dressed.

I heard him walk over to the bathroom door before speaking. "Maybe so, but seeing Bella and her blood-sucker will destory me all over again."

I sigh as I turn on the shower. "Don't let it bother you. She's honestly not worth your time and hey, why not try to find someone around school?"

"I don't know if I'm ready to meet anyone else, Hazel."

"You can't wait for someone who isn't waiting for you. Oh and I'm going to take a shower, you can go down and get breakfast if you want."

I heard him say 'okay' as I quickly get in the shower. I grab my shampoo and conditioner, washing my hair thoroughly before moving on to grab my lavender scented body wash. Once I was done, I stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel off the hanger.

I tie the towel around me and began to work on my hair, straightening it before throwing on my clothes. Though, never forgetting to brush my teeth.

Due to the dreadful dark circles under my eyes, I apply a bit of concealer to them. I apply some mascara, just to make myself look more awake.

I walk out of the bathroom, placing my pajamas into the hamper, though a delicious scent hit me as soon as I left my room.

Mom made pancakes...

"Jake, don't eat all the pancakes!" I shout, racing down the steps.

"Sorry, Hazel, I'm eating away my paainn."

My eyes flicker to the table, seeing the all the pancakes left on Jacobs plate.

Being the pancake-obsessed person I am, I grab his plate and took off running like I've never ran before.

"Hazel! Give them back!" He shouted back, chasing me around the kitchen.

Though do to the fact he was a werewolf, he easy out ran me. However, I was smarter and (in that slip second) I bolted out the front door.

"Hazel, Jacob, you forgot your bags!" Mom yelled as she stepped out the front door looking for us. A smile came across her lips and she rolled her eyes when she saw Jacob and I at it again. Again meaning that we did the same thing for the past two mornings already. Yesterday morning he stole my muffin, this morning was simply pay back.

Sandy Footprints:  A Paul Lahote Twilight FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now