Chapter 11: A Heart Broken Jacob Black

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Y'all please read the authors note at the end! I need Y'all to decide something for me!

      I gasp as I shot up out of La Push ocean, breathing in deeply through my nose. Salt water trickled down my legs as I walked on shore, the sand crumbling beneath my feet.

I watched Paul run towards me with a towel in his hands, a bright smile on his face. I couldn't help but to return that bright grin.

I'd have to admit, spending quality time with Paul Lahote has been nice, regardless of the feelings he and I felt for each other. His pressense is gratefully enjoyed.

"Here's a towel, blondie." Paul said, throwing a towel around my shoulders.

"Thanks, hothead." I wink before walking past him, wrapping the towel tighter around me.

We both walk side by side up to the car, just like every wensday. In fact, Paul and I made this a routine: come to La Push beach straight after school, surf a bit, then have dinner at Emily's.

The last step for today is diner at Emily's, then homework at my place.

Day well done.

"So," Paul started, pulling into Emily's drive way. "Did you enjoy the beach today?

My eyes flicker from the window towards the side of his face, studying it before responding. His jawline was perfectly straight, his cheek bones high and point. It were as if he were sculpted by angels.

"Very enjoyable! The water was cold, but what can you do?" I shrug, looking back to the window.

He turns off the car, though I was expecting for him to get out instead he began asking more questions.

"Have you been surfing all your life?"

"Yes, actually. Ever since I could walk I was in the water. My dad use to be a pro-surfer, which he was the whole reason why I wanted to become one.

Paul's eyebrows furrowed, like he was trying to understand. "Why did he stop surfing?"

"Well, my mom got pregnant and he quit. He wanted to stay and take care of her and the baby." I respond before getting out of the car.

He copies my actions and gets out of the car, running up besides me. Though, before I could go inside he stands in front of me, blocking me from entering.

"What's wrong?"

"You're in a bikini and the boys are all inside. I don't want them to say anything to you."

I smile lightly to his concern and place my hand on his broad shoulder. "Paul, I appreciate your concern, but these boys, Embry and Jake, will not look at me. Jared has a girlfriend so that's out of the picture. Don't worry."

I step to the side, walking up the porch, though I'm stopped when he grabs my arm.

"Just... wear my shirt then!" He shouts, pulling his shirt off and handing it to me.

I have to admit, it was very hard not to gape at him. Paul is very much attractive.

I clear my throat and slide on the oversize t-shirt, allowing it to fall to his natural height. Since Paul is 6'3 and I am 5'5, you can assume the t-shirt to fall to my knees, and believe me it did.

I look up at him with a light blush agasint my cheeks, though it only got darker when his eyes flickered up and down on me.

"I didn't realize what people were talking about, but now I do,"

Sandy Footprints:  A Paul Lahote Twilight FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now