Chapter 7: Weird Dreams

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   The burning sensation began in my legs as I ran faster through the thick forest. My skin tore from the poison tips of the thorn bushes, some getting stuck inside my skin. I placed my right foot in front of the other as I jumped over a fallen down tree, my pace never slowing. I couldn't remember how long I was running, but I knew I couldn't stop. Sweat dripped down from forehead as I pushed myself harder. Leaves crunching and branches breaking sounded off behind me, which only added to my fear. He was close. To close.

My lungs burned, my pace slowing down to a stop since there was no I could go any farther.

I bent down with my hands on my knees, my breathing heavy and sharp. My eyes flickered to every dark patch of the forest, praying that the creature following me wouldn't be near.

Just as I was about to continue running, a man, hard like stone and cold as ice stood before me. His eyes were bright red, his skin deathly pale. My eyes widen as he begins to walk closer, and closer, my self began to walk backwards.

Suddenly, my back was against a tree, and the man- the creature- had his arm to the side of my head, his face awfully close to mine.

"I finally found you..." he whispered, a smirk clear on his pale lips.

I couldn't move. As much as I wanted to scream, nothing came out. I felt, weak, frail.

"Those pack of mutts can't help you now... say goodnight, princess."

Pain erupted seconds later, his sharp teeth sinked through my skin, and believe me, I wanted to be dead.

My eyes shot open with my head swarming with images of what just displayed in my mind. My heart was beating rapidly, my eyes scanning the darkness of my bedroom in hope to not see the person in my nightmare.

I look over at the clock on my nightstand, the bright green letters read: 4:45am. A sigh leaves my lips as I sit up, my clothes sticking to me from the amount of sweat on my skin.

Never in my life have I ever dreamed of a vampire. Never.

There was no way I could go back asleep now.

I reach over, turning on my lamp, watching as the dark shadows I saw before disappear.

I pull the blankets off my legs, the cold air immediately hitting my skin causing goosebumps to appear. I always forgot how cold it got here.

I walk over to my door, slowly turning the door knob, and peaking out. I could feel paranoia creeping it's way into my mind as soon as I saw the pitch black hallway. Damn it now, Hazel, it's just a empty hallway!

A breath in quickly through my nose, then bolting towards the bathroom. A creak heard from behind me practically made me scream. I know the house liked to settle, but right now, if the house could just not...

Once I get into the bathroom I flick on the light, locking the door behind me. The sight in the mirror was actually horrible. My hair was all puffed up in different directions, my eyes blood shot and my clothes damp from sweat. How sexy I look right now, wow.

I lightly chuckle as I turn on the shower before hopping in. I did the usual; wash my hair, skin, then just stand there with my eyes close. I felt my heart rate decrease, back to its normal pace, finally feeling more calm than I was when I woke up.

Sandy Footprints:  A Paul Lahote Twilight FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now