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hello everyone, it's your author :) it's been so long since i've updated this, and i still have a lot of requests in queue, but i don't think i will be able to update it anymore

so, i have decided to close this book officially

i really apologize for this, but i really want to focus on my individual works rather than this one shot book, but i have to go back since this is where it all began

thank you for all the support you guys have been giving it a lot of your support and love, i honestly appreciate it, this quickly became one of the more prominent gottwice works because of you guys

i know that there aren't much chapters to this book, so i'm really sorry

i won't stop loving gottwice though,, in fact i have two pending personal works about gottwice

please go support 'stay', my jinyeon fic, and 'cuddle buddy', my younghyo fic,, it'll give you the gottwice i all failed to give you

also,, for my 18th birthday, which was yesterday, please support our interactive au, 'the millenium', at our collab acc hickeyjeon-. it's about the 97 liners, and they're spies ahu

thank you guys so much and i am really really sorry for this. please don't take this the wrong way. i love you all!!

- nayeonsbunny -

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