Chapter 29- That Just Happened

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A/N- I rode a horse a few days ago, and I was so scared, and a crazy lady named Penny yelled at me. 


Anyway, I am dedicating this chapter to horsesmylife12, because she actually has vast knowledge of how to ride a horse, which is SO cool. Also, she's one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, and her stories are AWESOME!

And now, we Eden.

(PS- the thing at the beginning of the chapter is just a joke. The whole story won't be in the pov of everyone 25 years later forever.)

(PPS- I just thought I needed to explain this. I have nothing against cheerleaders, and I do not think that they are all snobby blonde brats. They are nice people. My sister is one. This is just for the story, and I do not mean to offend cheerleaders in any way. Cheer on.)

(PPPS- I'm sorry I'm just so excited because a comment I posted was in one of @ginawriter's chapters. It's the one where she asked us for commentary. I MADE THE TEAM! YAYYY!)



"Hey guys!" I said. "Remember that time that Angie decided that she was gonna slightly steal the theme of an episode?" 


"Hey guys!" I said, waltzing into the room. Duh duh duh duh duh! Duh duh! Duh duh! This is suddenly a dance! Duh duh! Duh duh! This author's adjectives! Are sucky! And incorrectly used! She needs a spell checker! Or 'Weird Al' Yankovic's! New song to straighten! To straighten! Her out! I am butchering! A classic Johan Strauss waltz song in my head! Duh duh! Thank you, thank you. That was a parody of the lovely Blue Danube Waltz.

And I'm a super genius.

Or a "perky ditz" as stupid multicolor boots wearing Bree pointed out.

I mean, I admit to wearing her shoes sometimes, but the ones my capsule came up with for me were incredibly dull. And they make my feet look like rainbows!

"Hey Eden." Adam said. Everyone, prepare for the latest remark of stupidity brought to you by yours truly, Adam Charles Davenport! I just know it's coming. "Ugh, I am so sick and tired of eating here at the breakfast bar! These chairs are so uncomfortable and hard! Hey, does anyone have a-" He leaned in, like he was about to say the coolest thing in the world. (Ex- Oreos fell from the sky, Shisa got married, someone finally felt so bad for Adam they donated their entire brain to help this poor man.) "-Stool softener?" There it is. I wish people could see this. They would laugh at him. This family totally deserves a sitcom. A look of pride was slapped on Adam's face.

I am totes willing to slap it off.

"Wow." Dori said. 

"Good use of words!" Leo said.

"Thank you!" Adam said. "I just today found out stool softeners existed! Why didn't anyone think of this sooner? All those poor cavemen sleeping on rocks could've had it good! But no, we had to laze around for 200 gazillion years for people to figure this out!" OKAY, I AM NOW AT THE POINT WHERE I THINK THIS GUY IS TROLLING. NO ONE CAN ACTUALLY BE THAT STUPID.

"Mr. Davenport." Chase said. "Please. I will do anything. Literally anything. I will climb to the top of Mount Everest. I am not kidding. Please, just reconcile with Douglas, and find a way to FIX HIM!" Chase yelled.

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