Chapter 11

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Cammie's POV
Loud music is playing in the background and I can barely hear the words Logan's saying and he's right next to me.

After having coffee with him and Kayla, I suggested going out tonight to celebrate their reunion. Trying my best to show my support because even though I know I'll never have what they have, Logan is happy with the person he loves.

Plus, Kayla is a really amazing person. I can definitely see how perfect the two of them are for each other.

We've been at the club for about an hour now and although the conversation has been great and the drinks are starting to make the small pangs of jealousy less apparent, I can't stop the feeling that I just want to be home for the night.

So much has happened and with the huge change that's taken place for Logan, I want to give them time to spend alone together, as well as needing time myself to think about my situation.

"Hey guys, it's been a long day already so I think I'm gonna head home for an early night. Plus I wanna give you love birds some time alone together."

"Cam, you don't have to go, we were all having such a fun time together!" Logan has to practically scream for me to hear him over the music.

"We can go out again another night, but it's been a long day. I'm ready to head off to my bed for the rest of the night. I'll call you tomorrow and we can plan another hangout for all of us, I'm starting to really like Kayla and I wanna spend some more time with her."

They both agree to hanging out another night and we say our goodbyes. I'm out the doors soon after and I'm a cab on the way back to Felicity and Oliver's. With my head resting on the window, I begin to think about everything that's happened today. My thoughts immediately drift off to Barry, it's been so long since I've even spoken to him.

After receiving his messages this morning, I finally realized how little I had spoken to him or really anyone in Central City since I moved here. I've officially been gone a month and a half and I've only spoken to Barry, Iris, Caitlin and Cisco a handful of times.

I'm suddenly hit with a mountain of guilt. Not only did I leave them behind for such selfish reasons but I almost immediately cut them out of my life after moving. They're my best friends and I've been such a bitch to them, all because I couldn't deal with the fact that my best friend was with someone else.

Taking out my phone, I open up my contacts and as soon as I press down on Barry's name, I see a flash of red heading in the opposite direction.

I quickly lift my head but it's already gone.

Was that Barry?

My phone starts ringing and I bring it to my ear, hoping that Barry would answer, only to be disappointed.

"Hey this is Barry. I can't answer the phone right now, but leave a message at the beep!"

"Um, hey Barry. It's been awhile since we've had a real conversation with each other. I hope you know how much I miss you. I've been doing really well here and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be here but Central City is my home... you're my home, Barry. And I can't wait till I can come back home. Call me back when you get this... Love you."

I hit the end button before I can try to fix what I had said.

I had actually said it. I told Barry that I had loved him. I told him that he was my home and I had meant every word I said.

I love Barry Allen. He's my home.

And he may never feel the same way about me, but I'll always be special to him. I know I will. It might not be in the same way, but I think I'm finally making progress in accepting that. But no matter what...

I'll always love Barry Allen and he'll always be my home.
Barry's POV:
Running past all the cars is taking up too much time. It seems to be a goal of every car and person to get in my way, to stop me from getting to Cammie.

By the time I've made it the Verdant, my jacket has caught fire and my shoes are smoking so much, they've become black and char. I'm out of breathe and I desperately need an energy bar and some water but it doesn't matter, because I've made it to Cammie and that's all that counts.

Walking into the club, I'm assaulted with the smell of alcohol and the loud music has already started to hurt my eardrums.

Searching the club for the familiar face of my best friend and the girl I love, seems to be time wasted because I'm almost positive that she's not here. But that doesn't mean I don't check every girls face. Looking for the deep brown eyes that I've dreamt of seeing for the past month and a half. The smile that I see every time I close my eyes. Straining to hear the laugh that has become my favorite sound.

Although I don't hear the laugh I love so much, I hear something that could be just as beneficial.

"Logan, stop worrying. I'm sure Cammie is perfectly fine. She's a strong women, I'm sure she can handle herself."

Turning in the direction of the voice my eyes find two people sitting at a table nearby. The blonde headed man, Logan no doubt, has his arm wrapped around a small women. Quickly approaching them with one goal in mind, finding out where Cam has gone, I seem to have caught them off guard if their surprised expression are to go by.

"Did you say Cammie? As in Cameron Sawyer?"

The man, Logan, stiffens with my questions, while the women, whose name I do not know, seems to be curious by my interest.

"Yes we were discussing Cameron Sawyer. Why do want to know? Who are you?"

"My name is Barry Allen—" both their eyes widen at that "— and I really need to talk to her, where did she go? Do you know?"

While the women seems more intrigued by what I said, Logan suddenly becomes even more apprehensive.

"Why exactly should we tell you where she is? What is it you even have to say to her?"

They must know. About what happened and how I was the reason Cammie was forced to leave her whole life behind to move to Star City.

"...I've been extremely stupid for the past ten years. But I'm asking you to please tell me where she went. I need to see her and tell her that I'm done being an idiot, that I'm ready to offer her everything she has ever wanted or needed. Please just tell me where she went."

"...She went back to Felicity and Oliver's apartment. She should be there by now."

Looking them both in the eye and seeing the warning there, the warning that I better not mess up again, I nod my head and voice my thanks before I'm rushing out the door and speeding my way to Cammie once again.

And once I find her, I'm never letting her go again.

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