Chapter 6

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Cammie's POV
Turns out that Star City is a lot nicer than I remember. Of course that could be the fact that as of right now I'm staying with a rich CEO, but it's still a nice place. There are nice restaurants, and pretty parks and I've already become really close with Team Arrow.

Everything's going really well. Besides the fact that I've been gone a week and I haven't slept more than 2 hours every night.

Apparently my plan to get Barry off my mind by moving to a different city isn't working out so well. Every night as soon as I close my eyes, I see his bright green ones. I replay our conversation on the porch a million times except this time I tell Barry how I feel. I never specifically remember the outcome but based on the fact that I wake up in a cold sweat every night, I don't think it ends well.

I'm basically running on only coffee and adrenaline.

And adrenaline is something I get plenty of working with the Arrow. Even after only a week, I can definitely see that the criminals of Star City are a little... darker than those in Central.

Despite my lack of sleep and the terrifying villains we face, I know I made the right choice in getting out of Central when I did.

Iris called me yesterday. They're moving in together.

It goes without saying that I didn't take the news very well. After congratulating her as normally a possible, I faked an emergency with the team and hung up before she could hear the sobs that were escaping me.

That brings me to now. I'm down in the arrow cave for morning training. It took some getting used to that training wasn't just running on a treadmill. My face is red and puffy, my eyes are bloodshot but luckily except for a few concerned looks, no one comments on it.

I doodle on my clipboard while the sounds of fighting and people being hurt fade in the background and I start to daydream.

Barry's eyes sparkle as he looks at me, his face slowly coming closer.

"Please Cammie, stay. Stay here with me, I can't go a day without you. I love you..."

His perfect lips, that I spent so much of my high school time dreaming about, steadily brush against mine. My eyes flutter close as he kisses me, holding me closer. My hands go to his chest and I can feel his heart pounding in his chest rapidly.

He pulls away and I open my eyes to meet his emerald green ones. And there it is, that sparkle that I always dreamed about seeing in his eyes and directed at me.


I'm brought back to the real world by Felicity screaming my name in my ear.


"I've been trying to get your attention for 5 minuets, why were you so out of it?"

"No reason, just daydreaming... What did you need me for?"

She doesn't look to believe me but I can see she's dropped it, for now.

"We're all going out for drinks tonight to celebrate your first week here and because we all need a night off, and you are going to get all prettied up and come out with us tonight."

"Felicity, it's really sweet that your offering but—"

She interrupts me, "I'm not offering, I'm telling. You are going to put a classy but sexy dress on, go out for drinks with your friends, and then maybe, just maybe, meet a really great guy who you'll be able to start something with."

I try to think of an excuse or an argument that will get me out of this but I know there's no point.

"I know there's no getting out of this so fine, I'll go but there will be no meeting of guys."

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