Chapter 10

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Cameron's POV
I'm on my way to me and Logan's favorite coffee house. It's not as good as Jitters, but it's become my favorite place to go to since I moved to Star City.

Logan texted me to meet him there because he had news. Since we began this whole "get over Barry and Kayla" I've learned a lot about Logan. Even though he's a banker back in Coast City he isn't at all drab and boring like I would have thought. He's adventurous and witty, always knowing how to lift my spirits.

He's been such an amazing friend.

Walking into the shop I'm greeted with the smell of coffee and pastries. I scan the shop, and see that Logan hasn't arrived yet. I take this time to order both of our favorite coffees, knowing that when he comes in he'll complain saying he could have got it himself. Finding an open table I busy myself with my phone, checking all my messages that I haven't looked at in a while.

I'm surprised to find that most of them are from Barry. My heart speeds up a little more as I listen to each one. They all basically say the same thing but it's his voice that really sticks with me. How he sounds both heartbroken as well as longing. Does he sound like that because he misses me or is there something else happening? Maybe something happened with Iris, or work, what if he got hurt and he's trying to hide it.

Before I am begin to freak out over nothing, Logan takes a seat in front of me, claiming my full attention and putting my worries about Barry to the back of my mind.

Neither of us speaks for a few moments and I study the man in front of me, something is off with him. He has bags under his eyes and he looks like he hadn't slept but at the same time there's a smile on his face. A smile I've never seen before, one that reaches his eyes and overwhelms his face as if it's absolutely impossible for him to not smile.

"Something amazing happened last night and I have to tell you about it even if I'm not totally sure how you'll react."

His voice is different too. He sounds breathless, as if he's in awe of something.

"Ok, you can tell me anything, and I promise I'll try to react well. You don't need to worry about me."

He seems hesitant but continues with his story.

"It was almost 2 in the morning last night and I was dead asleep. Suddenly I'm woken up by this repetitive knocking on my door. I rush to open it because you know how my neighbors are, if this person had woken them up, they would've made my life hell. But anyway I open the door and standing outside it... is Kayla."

My eyes widen and my mouth drops open. "Kayla! As in your best friend that your in love with, whose dating your brother?"

His smile widens, although I don't understand why. The few times that we have discussed his brothers relationship with his love, he's always been overly sensitive and slightly moody.

"The very one. And after I open the door, she comes in and starts ranting about how she couldn't keep lying to me and how she had to tell me the truth before it was too late."

My head swims with the information I'm being given. I'm overwhelmed with what he was telling me, I couldn't even imagine how he must have felt as it was happening.

"So anyway, I tell her to calm down and she can explain whatever it is she needed to. So we sit down and I'm wide awake now because even though it's 2am, the love of my life is in my apartment and she traveled all the way just to see me."

My heart gives a small pang of jealousy, but I push it aside. Logan's been there for me so much over the past few months, I shouldn't be jealous of him getting something that I wanted.

"Then she starts telling me about how my brother came to her a few months ago, panicking because his high school sweetheart had moved back to town, with her new fiancé, and he had run into her at the store and said he had a girlfriend, when he actually hadn't dated anyone since they broke up. Somehow he ended up agreeing to a double date between the four of them and he was begging her to be his fake girlfriend for just one night. Kayla agreed with the condition that I shouldn't find out because she didn't want me thinking that something was going on between them. They almost made it through the night until I ran into them because I had a business dinner at the same restaurant. When I confronted them, they kept up with their lie saying they had been dating for a few weeks but didn't want to tell me. Kayla said she was going to tell me the truth the next day but before she could I told her I was moving here for a few months because of business."

I'm barely processing anything he said and I'm trying to put all the pieces together in my head when he drops the home on me.

"Cammie, she said that she had agreed to keep the lie with my brother up because she needed something to take her mind off me being gone... but when she heard about me spending so much time with you, she thought that something was going on with us. She told my brother she couldn't do it anymore and took the first train here. Cam, she told me she loves me."

Just like before a pang of jealousy runs through me but I push it aside once again. Something amazing just happened to Logan, and I need to be supportive. I can be sad about Barry later, right now I need to be happy for my friend who just got everything he wanted.

"That's absolutely amazing! After everything, she actually loves you! What happened after she told you, what did you say?"

He blushes and shyly tells me about how he kissed her and admitted his love for her too.

"We spent the rest of the night just talking and laughing. We cuddled on the couch and it was amazing being able to just be with her... I really appreciate everything you e done for me these past few months Cammie. And now I really appreciate you being supportive of what happened. I know that I can't be there for you as much as I was before, but I'm still here for you. I'll always be here for you."

My heart lifts up with his words. I might not have the happy ever after with Barry that I wanted, but someone I care about got his, and that's just as good.

"Alright, cmon give me a hug!"

We stand and he wraps his arms around my waist as mine go around his neck. I squeeze him tight, before a soft voice breaks us apart.


I turn to find a petite blonde behind me. She's gorgeous with bright green eyes and tan skin. Her smile is bright and her eyes soften as she looks at Logan.

"Kayla! I'm glad your here! I want you to meet a good friend of mine, this is Cammie!"

I'm shocked when she greets me with a hug but after getting over my shock, I hug her back.

"It's so great to meet you. Logan has told me so much about you and how you've been there for him while he's here. He's also told me about your situation and whoever this guy is, he's missing out."

She seems so genuine. I instantly like her and I can see what a great pair her and Logan are. They make each other better, build each other up and compliment each other in the best way. They're great together, and although I promised I wouldn't be jealous, I can't help but wish that I could have what they have.

But I don't just want it with anyone. I want it with Barry. I'm no closer to being over home than I was when I first moved.

Barry Allen is the love of my life, he's my soulmate.

I just wish he felt the same way.
Ok! So that was probably really confusing, I'm really sorry if it's hard to follow the storyline, I hope that you can attempt to make sense of it. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Keep commenting, I love getting feed back from you guys! Love you all!

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