Chapter 1

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Cameron's POV- Age 16:

The first thing I noticed about Barry Allen was his smile. How when he smiles, it's like his whole face lights up and it's almost impossible to not smile back.

The second thing I noticed about Barry was his eyes. They were a beautiful green color that when looking into them, it makes my heart race. They also have that twinkle, his eyes seem to sparkle sometimes and seeing that just makes me want to kiss him.

But sadly that twinkle also manages to break my heart. Because every time his eyes sparkle, it's because he's looking, or talking, or thinking about Iris West. That's the third thing I noticed about Barry Allen, was that he was in love with Iris.

I'm serious, after just meeting them for the first time ever, I noticed right away that he loved her. And weirdly even though I just met them for the first time, noticing how much he loved her somehow made my heart hurt.

I had just started at my new school and since I was still the new girl and had no one to sit with at lunch, I sat in the library and read.

I was in the library when I heard the door open and then slam shut loudly. I looked up to see two people awkwardly standing there looking at the librarian apologetically. It was a really pretty girl with long, black hair and a sweet smile. Iris. And standing next to her was this tall, lanky boy with a wide, happy smile that seemed to light up his whole face. Barry.

Now me being the completely awkward and socially impaired person that I am, I begin laughing, loudly. The girl and boy snap their heads in my direction and stared at me for a few seconds before walking over into one of the book aisles.

Great job Cammie, now they either think your a horrible person or a lunatic.

Shaking off my thoughts I return to my book. That is until I sense the presence of someone in front of me. I look up to find the girl and boy from before standing in front of the table I'm currently sitting at, both with smiles on their faces.

No one speaks at first, we go a good 10 seconds before I can't take the awkward silence anymore. "Umm, hi?"

The girl immediately moves into the seat in front of me, talking as she does so.

"Hi, my name is Iris West and this is my best friend Barry Allen. We saw you sitting here and we can kinda tell that you're new here so we came to introduce ourselves. What's your name?"

Friendly, slightly perky but seems nice.

"My name is Cameron Sawyer but you can call me Cammie or Cam, if you want to."

Barry who had been previously just standing and watching the interaction between me and Iris, moves into the seat next to Iris's, smiling that wide smile at me.

"It's nice to meet you Cammie. When did you move to Central City?"

By now I was looking into his eyes and for the first time I saw that beautiful green color. The fact that he had the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen and was calling me by my nickname was enough to turn me into a stuttering mess.

"Um... o-only f-for a few w-weeks. I j-just m-moved h-here from Starling City."

Why must I be so awkward?

Forcing myself to look away from his eyes, I choose to look down at the table, feeling my cheeks warm up in a blush.

After that mess of a meeting, I expected a lot of things: them getting up and walking away, laughing at me and my weirdness, calling me a nut job and never wanting to see me again...

What I absolutely, 100% didn't expect was for them to start asking me questions and actually caring about the answers.

"You used to live in Starling City? That's so cool! What's it like? Is it really a dark and gloomy as everyone says? What was your last school like?"

Lifting my eyes from the table I look at the two with a look of shock, confusion, and happiness on my face. They actually want to talk to me, even after embarrassing myself in front of them twice already.

I let a smile take over my face as I began answering their questions, "Well..."

We talked all throughout the rest of the lunch break and as we were leaving the library Barry stopped me, asking if I wanted to come hang out at their house after school. I could once again feel my cheeks get red, mainly because Barry had asked me to hang out after school.

I immediately agreed before walking away to class, promising to meet them at the front doors of the school later today.

I didn't know that meeting would turn into a decade long friendship, or that my small crush on Barry would turn into a one-sided love. Well, one-sided for now.

Thanks for reading the first chapter guys! I hope you enjoyed it and that the whole flashback thing didn't confuse you. I just wanted to give some background of the friendship between Cameron, Barry, and Iris. I'll try to have the next chapter up soon! Thanks for reading

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