Chapter 12

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Cameron's POV
Immediately after getting home from the club, I've changed out of my flashy dress into a pair of comfy pajama pants and a tank top. I just finished removing my makeup when there's a loud knock on the door.

I'm slightly apprehensive about opening it, if working with Barry and Oliver has taught me anything, it's that danger is everywhere. Plus I'm home alone as Felicity and Oliver are still at the arrow cave. Slowly making my way to the door, I peek through the peep whole and after seeing whose on the other side, I immediately pull the door open and jump into his arms.

"Barry! Oh my God! Your here!" My hands are shaking and I'm clutching onto him so tight not even caring about how uncomfortable it might be for him.

Although it doesn't seem like he minds based on how tight he's holding me. To keep my arms around his neck, I've had to go on the very tips of my toes and Barry makes it easier by just picking me up and holding me off the ground.

"C-Cammie! I've missed you so much. You will never know how much." Barry's stuttering and his voice is shaking but it sounds like music to my ears. My favorite song that I haven't heard for weeks and now that he's here, all I want him to do is keep talking so I can listen to him speak.

He carries me back into the apartment, both of us refusing to let go of each other. I've decided to be bold and as he crosses the doorway, I lift my legs and wrap them around his waste so I'm that much closer to him. His arms tighten around me slightly and I feel the need to explain my actions before it becomes awkward.

"I didn't want to keep pulling on your neck. I'm sure holding my weight like that isn't easy so I was trying to make it more comfortable."

He doesn't answer, just adjusts his arms so one is still around my waste and the other is holding my right thigh so I won't slip. My heartbeat quickens and I worry he might be able to hear it for a second before I decide that isn't something I should be worrying over at the moment.

"How are you here? Not that I'm not absolutely ecstatic to see you, I missed you too but should you be in Central City fighting crime and taking down meta humans?"

He stays quiet until we're sitting on the couch, me perched on his lap and him still holding me around my waste. My checks redden and I lower my head to hide it using my hair.

"I've been working nonstop the past few weeks at both the CCPD and Star Labs, I'm ahead Enough where they won't miss me for a few days. Besides I had to see you... we need to talk."

My blood runs cold. Those words are never something you want to hear from someone you love.

Could he be telling me he got engaged to Iris?

Or that she's pregnant?

They found a new replacement at Star Labs and my old job is no longer available for when I come back?

"O-okay... you can talk to me about anything."

Barry's eyes meet mine and while I'd usually look away because looking into his eyes usually leads to daydreaming that should not be happening at the moment, there's something about his eyes today that pulls me in and won't let me look away.

"For so long, I've been completely clueless and blind to... basically our entire relationship. I was afraid of the unknown, even though I've spent my whole life searching for it. Admitting this and taking this step with you would change my entire life, and I was terrified of letting go of the one thing that I've always known."

"Barry, I don't understand. What unknown and what step? Your not making any sense."

"Cammie... when you left Central City, it was like a piece of me had gone with you. For the longest time I kept denying what it meant, telling myself that it was normal for me to feel so close to you because you were my best friend, but your not Cammie -"

My heart stutters slightly, because if I'm not his best friend... then what am I?

"Cammie, it's taken me 10 years to come to this conclusion and I'm sorry that it's so overdue but I'm not hiding anymore. Not hiding it from other people and not hiding it from myself. Cammie your the love of my life, my soulmate. You complete me in a way that I never want to live without you, and all I want is for us to be together. I want to hold you every night and wake up to you in the morning. I want to spend evenings cuddled up in the couch or out dancing or watching a movie- whatever there is to do, I want to do it with you. I need to be with you Cammie because I don't think I can go one minute more without you in my arms, without kissing you. Cammie, I love you."

It's not real.

That's the only conclusion I've come to. I'm dreaming and this is just some elaborate speech that I've made up in my head.

"...What about Iris?"

"Iris is my best friend, my sister. We didn't work out because that's all we'll ever be. Iris has been with me through it all, the death of my mom and my dad going to prison. She was my rock when I was twelve and I think I just convinced myself that if we became something that everything would be okay. But it wasn't, because the moment I met you when we were just 16 I knew in my heart, that Iris will never be more to me than my sister."

It's quiet now. Barry and I are just studying each other. I'm looking all over his face, bringing my hands up to wrap around his neck. Feel the slight stubble on his jaw, my eyes move to his lips and my already racing heart beats that much faster.

He loves me!

Without wasting a second more, I crash my lips onto his. He responds immediately, bringing his hands from my waste to my face. Cupping his hands around my face and tilting my head to deepen the kiss.

And, oh! What and amazing kiss it is!

I've waited ten years and this kiss exceeds everything I had previously imagined. I'm pushing to get closer to him, every time he tries to pull away, I bring his lips immediately back to mine. I never want this moment to end.

But air is unfortunately necessary to live.

I pull back with a gasp and I'm panting like I just ran a marathon but I refuse to move to far back. I rest my forehead on his and open my eyes, looking deep into his.

"That was perfect."

I chuckle, nodding my head slightly to agree with him.

"I love you too Barry."

"Does that mean you'll come home? I can't do this long distance anymore. I missed you so much."

My head moves from leaving in his forehead to laying on his chest. I can hear the rapid beta if his heart, the already exaggerated beat moving even quicker.

"Barry I'm already home. My home is with you, in your arms, forever."


I guess Barry had to let me go, to truly know how much he needed me.
But he never plans on letting her go again.

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