Chapter 5

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Cammie's POV

As the days go on and I prepare for my move to Star City, I can't help but feel like Barry is a lot more upset about this than I originally thought.

Why do I think this? Well it may be the fact that he hasn't left my side in two days. No matter where we are or who we're with, Barry always makes sure he's standing by me or if I leave a room, he always comes with me.

Let's just say that I'm absolutely loving it.

Ever since Iris found out, she's been more clingy as well. We've all spent the last few days spending time together and remembering old times from high school and college. Being able to spend time with them like we used to, when it was just three friends together and not the two of them and me, almost made me forget about why I was leaving.

But I still knew I needed to leave. The pain is always there, under the surface of all the happiness I've felt the past few days. It's time for me to move on, and to do that I need a new surrounding, and even though I know that leaving him will break my heart, I need to be away from Barry Allen.

Today was a Friday and my last day working at STAR Labs for a while. We didn't get much work done, spent most of the day together, talking and laughing. Even if Cisco and Caitlin know the true reason behind my departure and know that it needs to happen, they still wish I could stay and will miss me when I'm gone.

But right now I'm walking to the West's household for the surprise going away party that Iris is throwing for me. Although it's a surprise party, Barry was never good at keeping secrets from me.

Knowing this is the last time I'm going to be seeing most of these people, at least for a few months, I made sure to take care in my appearance. Black jeans tucked into my suede black ankle boots and a royal purple silk shirt that complements my brown hair. I feel confident in my clothes when I burst through the door of the West's household and all of my closest friends deafen me with the word


Laughing as I take a step back from the volume, I shout back at them, "I knew this party was happening, someone in this room is very bad at keeping secrets!"

Simultaneously everyone in the room turns to look at Barry from his spot in the front. He blushes and shrugs his shoulders as he makes his way over to me. With his cheeks still a light pink, he brings me into a hug as everyone goes back to their conversations from before I entered.

"Thanks for ratting me out Cam! I only told you that cause I know how much you hate surprises."

"And I appreciate that so much Barry... I'm really going to miss you when I'm in Star City."

Barry's once happy face falls into a look of pure sadness and the sparkle that was in his eye seems to vanish. Just seeing him like this, looking like a kicked puppy, almost makes me blurt out that I'm staying just so I no longer have to see that look on his face.

"Hey guys, I know we're all sad about this, but if we're not going to see Cammie for a few months, I say we give her one last great night here." Iris says as she walks over to me and Barry where we were still standing by the front door.

"Your right Iris. All our closest friends are here and we've got pizza and alcohol, three of my favorite things!" I've made my way into the kitchen as I've said this and I can see that Iris truly went all out for this party. There dozens of different plates of foods, all my favorites, and she's got a speaker blasting my favorite playlist so everyone can dance.

"Your both right, this is a party even if it's for a sad occasion. Let's all have fun. Iris would you like to dance?"

And there goes my smile and happy mood.
Its almost 8 o'clock now and most of the food is gone and the music has been turned down so that we all can hear each other over the songs.

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