Chapter 4

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Cameron's POV:

Apparently Barry would not react well to me leaving Central City, at all. It's been only two days since I had run out on movie night and then had that late night discussion at STAR Labs. In those two days I've figured out that it would not get easier seeing Barry and Iris together. Honestly, it's just getting worse.

Barry talks about her all the time. All. The. Time. Whenever we're working at STAR Labs or when we go to pick up lunch for everyone, all he talks about is how happy he is to be with Iris or the amazing date he's planning to go on with Iris. I love Iris, she's one of my best friends even though she's dating the man of my dreams, but if I hear one more thing about her I'll rip someone's head off.

Which I feel like doing right now. The team is working on finding a new meta human that made themselves known last night by robbing a bank. So while me, Caitlin and Cisco are working to locate this guy, Barry's going around talking about how great Iris looked during their date last night.

"And her hair was so pretty all curled, and she looked so beautiful with her makeup, even though she doesn't need it..." It was becoming too much for me to bear and I couldn't help but just snap and blurt out something that I wasn't even sure about yet.

"Barry! I'm moving back to Star City!"

That certainly got him to shut up. Cisco, Caitlin, and I were all watching him, waiting for his reaction. At first he was just frozen, in shock from me just blurting it out I guess, but then his face slowly morphed into confusion and sadness.

"W-what! Star City... Why would you move back there! Your entire life is here, your job and your friends, me and Iris! What's happening that's causing you to move back to Star City?!"

Oh, I don't know, maybe those last two things in your list of things in Central City.

"Barry, look of course I'm going to miss everyone and everything in Central but I'm needed in Star City. Oliver and Team Arrow are having some trouble with each other lately, Cisco suggested I stay over there for a couple months to help them out."

Sorry for throwing you under the bus Cisco, but it's too late to back out now.

"Why does that mean you have to move there? And how does Cisco know about all this and I don't, does anyone else know?"

Barry's looking at the three of us very intently and I'm beginning to get even more nervous about keeping my lies in order, when Caitlin steps in to save me.

"Just me and Cisco know about this Barry. And it's just for a few months, we figured that now would be a good time, before she fully starts getting invested in the STAR Labs work."

"And I asked them not to mention it to you before I was sure I was going, I didn't know if I would be able to leave everything behind but I think that I need this, I need a new change of pace and some new scenery."

The confusion is beginning to leave his face and is fully taken over by sadness. Barry is usually a happy person, unless there's a major threat then he's in serious superhero mode, so seeing his face in such a sad way makes my chest restrict in pain.

"What am I going to do without you? What about Iris, how will she survive without you being here? We both need you! We've always been together, attached at the hip, your my best friend Cammie..."

"And your mine Barry, but this could be good for all of us. You and Iris can get some alone time together (it took so much in me to not cry at that statement) and I can get a chance to work with Team Arrow and maybe gets some new techniques on how to stop the bad guys for when I come back."

It still didn't look like he was taking it well. He almost looked like he was going to cry and I hate that I'm the cause of his sadness. In our almost decade long friendship, I've only caused Barry to cry a handful of times. The feeling in my stomach makes me sick, especially with the thought that he will probably go to Iris for comfort, when he usually always comes to me when he needs comfort about something.

"Is this really what you want?" Barry asked, his voice had cracked a few times, showing the true sadness he felt.

I had paused for a few seconds before answering with an honest answer, "Yeah, I think this will be good for me, I can do some soul searching while I'm gone and maybe by the time I'm back, I'll fell differently about certain things."

I guess that was good enough for Barry because he slowly nodded his head in acceptance before making his way towards me and pulling me into his arms.

Hugging Barry is one of my favorite things. His strong arms wrap around me, making me feel safe and sound while his scent washes over me.

Vanilla and mint... It's become my favorite scent, although no one knows the reason why and if I'm lucky, no one will ever know.

Barry pulls away way too soon for my liking but I don't want to be suspicious or make him feel awkward, so I let him slowly pull away from me. I'm not fast enough to stop the lone tear from rolling down my check, but Barry takes that problem from my hands by slowly wiping it away from my face.

"I'll miss you Cammie, but hey, Star City is only like 600 miles away. I can always just run there to visit you."

I don't know how to respond so I offer him a weak smile and a slight nod. It's seems good enough for him as he slowly turns and walks out of the room.

Once I'm sure he's gone, I turn to look at Caitlin and Cisco who have been silently watching for the most part.

"Well, I guess I'm moving to Star City."

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