vi. let the game begin

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It was the morning of a dimly lit Wednesday when you awoke to loud crashing

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It was the morning of a dimly lit Wednesday when you awoke to loud crashing. With your eyes shot open, you rose immediately to your feet alongside Momo. Your female roommate shot you a glance filled with concern.

"Stay here," she commanded. "The game of rules begin today, and there's likely already people causing trouble."

"This early?" you rubbed your painfully tired eyes.

"Desperation changes the way a person acts, [Name]," Momo breathed, tilting her head for a brief moment. "You best remember that."

Realizing the complete 180-turn of the female's personality, you clenched your fists, noting the graveness of your position. You made the decision to strode over to the bathroom; the safest place you could think of in the current situation.

As much as you wanted to do something, you were practically powerless in an unfamiliar setting.

Frustration coursed through your bloodstream, making your heart thump wildly against your chest. Just as you wrapped your fingers around the doorknob, you heard Momo call your name.

"I know how useless you feel right now," she was saying, "but this is the only way to survive. This school is filled with crazy people."

"I'm aware," you turned the doorknob, entering the bathroom. "And I trust you, Momo."

You locked the door shut behind you, taking a seat on top of the toilet, curling into a ball; your forehead flushed against your uninjured forearm that laid on your knees.

Seconds passed to minutes and pretty soon your back was aching with discomfort.

Placing your feet on the clean tiles, you stood up, stretching your back—the satisfying sound of a soft crack entering your ears.

With an inaudible sigh, you carefully stalked over to the bathroom door, proceeding to position your ear against it, listening to any sign of a noise. Silence greeted your hearing, and you pursed your lips, backing away from the door.

A debate ran through your mind; the main topic being if you should unlock the door or not.

Ultimately, you decided not to unlock the door. After all, it was better to be safe than sorry, right?

Knowing it was also safe to close the lights, you shut the switch off; darkness invading your clear vision.

You let an exhale escape your throat as you crossed your arms over your chest. Leaning against the marble counter that had a sink installed in it, you stared at the door expectantly in the pitch dark.

Just then, something shiny plunged through the wooden surface, nearly making you jolt in your spot. The shock that registered through your mind caused you to hit your injured arm against the counter; a sickening hiss leaving your lips.

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