Chapter 25 - Rocco: Runaway Princess (side story)

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She left without saying goodbye.

Not that it mattered, but since may pinagsamahan naman kami, I had hoped that she'd at least give me a heads up. [we had bonded]

I guess I was wrong in thinking that she saw me as one of her friends.

And what annoys me is the fact that she assured me that she'd help make my girlfriend's birthday a night to remember.

But two weeks before Katrina's birthday, she resigned.

And I was the last one to find out.

I guess I picked the wrong day to file for leave because it was on that day that Miranda submitted her resignation letter.


When I arrived at the office the following day, I was greeted by my co-workers, all of them asking if I knew the reason behind Miranda's sudden resignation.

I was as clueless as they were.

And the moment I found out, I immediately asked Queenie (M's best friend) if he knew why.

"Ask her yourself."- was his reply.

As if I didn't try. The moment I found out I tried calling her but her phone was always unattended.

So I tried sending text messages. M was notorious for not answering calls and would only answer when she felt like it or if the ringing wouldn't stop.

Unfortunately, I received no replies to any of the messages I sent. This was actually weird because I usually get an immediately reply from her.

I sent another message: 'Are you mad at me, M?'

Still nothing.

I guess my anxiety over her sudden resignation was apparent because my own girlfriend asked me why I looked so down.

"Robbie, may problem ka ba?" Katrina looked at me worriedly when I came to pick her up from work. [do you have a problem]

"Wala 'to. I'm just tired." [This is nothing]

"Are you sure? Kanina ka pa tahimik eh." [You've been quiet all night]

I sighed. "Sorry. I was just surprised because M suddenly resigned."

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "She's the Dragon your officemates are taking about, isn't she?"

"Don't call her that." M was notorious at work for being scary, a snob, a perfectionist, brutally frank, unapproachable and down right mean - hence the nickname. But ever since I worked side by side with her, I can't for the life of me, see her that way. At first it was hard because she would often complain about the tiniest details and why I always came up with ridiculous ideas. But when I did something right, she'd smile and tell me how amazing I was. So I tried all the more to deserve her praise. I guess I became what my co-workers described as the Dragon's friend. She's really nice when you get on her good side. She's a morale booster, especially if she notices when you think you've failed. She never runs out of good things to say. She's the amazing one, not me. And hearing Katrina call her Dragon didn't really sit well with me.

"Why should it matter what I call her? Affected much?" I could feel the sarcasm in her voice. We were silent on the way to her apartment. When I parked the car, I gave her a peck on the cheek.

"I'm sorry, Katrina. Bad day lang."

She refused to look at me. "Sino ba mas importante sa'yo? Ako o siya?" [Who is more important to you? Me or her?]

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