Chapter 18 - Tony: Stalker

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She will always be the most beautiful girl in my life.

It's been almost three months since we broke up.

I can't believe it took me this long to realize her worth.

But it's too late for us. I guess things weren't meant to be.


I watched her from outside her coffee shop - marveling at how she managed to smile despite her apparent weariness. I hated myself for only noticing now how wonderful a person my ex-girlfriend was. She was patient, considerate of others - beautiful both inside and out. I loved everything about her - how she wore her hair long and how I used to love running my fingers through them, how she smiled every time she discovered something new, how incredibly cute she looked when she laughed. But it's too late.

It hurts too much to get back together with her, knowing she doesn't love me - knowing I can never forgive her for getting pregnant with another man's baby.

"Tony, you're turning into a stalker already. We've been here outside the coffee shop for almost two hours and yet you refuse to leave the car. Pare, you should have told me you just wanted to see your ex," Martin complained. "I thought we were going somewhere with Cess and the others. You lied to me, man. Next time use your own car if you want to stalk Nicole." [Dude]

It was actually true. I had convinced Martin to pick me up and drive me to Funky Brewster, Nicole's coffee shop by telling him my car broke down and I needed a ride. "You know I can't do that. She knows what my car looks like."

"So you do admit that you're stalking her."

"Of course not. I just want to know what that asshole who got her pregnant looks like."

"Didn't she tell you who it was?"

I shook my head. "You think she'd do that? It was a one night stand. And besides, she knows how I would react."

"Oh yeah. You're a total war freak. Hit on my girl and I'll kill you." Martin teased. "Dude, it's been almost three months. Get over her already. When you were together you acted like a total asshole. Now you're acting as though you're the victim."

"I am the victim, gago." [asshole]

"Ulol. You slept around when she was your girlfriend. [Idiot] She makes a mistake and you suddenly become the victim? You were just careful." I winced. Martin never sugarcoats. "No matter what angle you view it, she's still the victim here. It's your fault she got pregnant in the first place."

"How did it become my fault?!"

"Wait..." Martin rubbed his chin. "Maybe it's because you chose to go on a trip with Frances and completely neglect Nicole on your anniversary."

I was about to defend myself when someone rapped on Martin's window. When I realized who it was, I panicked. "Martin, let's get out of here."

But I was too late. Martin opened the window.

"What the hell are you two doing here?"

"Love of my life!" Martin exclaimed.

Miranda groaned and tossed her cigarette. "If you two are here to bother Nicole, I'll skin you guys alive."

"Miranda, you got it all wrong. Tony just wanted to stalk Nicole." Martin said in defense.

I forgot how Martin could transform into a complete idiot in front of Miranda. I wanted to kill him at that moment.

"I just wanted to know what the dad looked like." After blurting this out, I realized I sounded more of an idiot than Martin did.

"We were hoping Nicole still got in touch with that guy." Martin added.

MISMATCHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora