Chapter 5 - Miranda: The Dragon

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I work better alone.

I've always been independent.

It's not that I'm anti-social, nor do I hate teamwork. I just feel that I become more productive by myself.

It's better this way because letting people in my life would only complicate things.


I've never been my parents' favorite. My dad had favored my brother because they shared the same interests, and my youngest sister was the apple of my mother's eye. I didn't really mind. My family had always been overprotective for my taste. And that was when the want to be independent arose.

My mother was against it. She felt that I had to help my sister out with her business venture – our family owned coffee shop called Funky Brewster. Unfortunately, it didn't fit well with my career plans and much to my parents' dismay, I decided to do what I wanted to do.

I wasn't always like this. I used to enjoy being with my family. Unfortunately, due to an unfavorable event – my wedding that didn't push through – I felt that I needed a change. A change that meant leaving my family behind and starting a new life to forget all the pain that happened to me.

It actually turned out pretty well. I rose from the ranks doing what I loved and it actually made my life easier.

Even though my life revolved mostly around work, it was ok.

My colleagues think I work too hard and don't really bother mingling with them. Not that I care. I didn't have to please anybody. And the ones I did have to please – they were already my friends who also shared the same sentiments.

And because of my unbreakable barrier and impenetrable heart (plus whenever I get mad I tend to 'breathe fire'), I was dubbed "Dragon" at work. I didn't really care what people at work called me. I'm friends with the "King" and "Queen Bee" anyway and that was all that mattered.

The King – Jasper – whom I fondly call "Queenie" was my best friend. He was a creative-minded OC freak who always acted like he was the king – hence the nickname.

Yuna, was the "Queen Bee". Our co-workers are terrified of her. And ever since she found out that they called her that, she considered everyone under her as 'drones' and call it to their faces just to spite them.

My world revolved around the two and my job. Little did I know that was about to change.

And I didn't like it.


When Yuna summoned me to her office, I knew it had something to do with work. She never 'summons' me and would just simply shoot an email if she wanted me to meet up with clients. She hated leaving her office/throne hence the task of going out always fell on my plate. I figured that since I was called in, this particular client must be a VIP.

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