Epilogue: Miss Match

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My Ate duties are officially over.

At first, I took over managing Nicole's shop when she was nearing her due date. She didn't really need help with the shop since her business partner could take over for her in her absence, but I felt it was better if kept myself busy to avoid thinking of my broken heart. However, after Nicole gave birth, she "fired" me. I guess she felt that I needed to go back to my old self, stand up on my own, and live my life again.

Plus she told me I needed to get a better job.

I know she has to work extra hard now that Nikolai's around – being a single mom and all. And despite what happened to her in the past, everything is turning out better for her. Ang haba pa ng hair! [*Filipino expression of saying a girl is a heartthrob*] First, her ex realized he couldn't live without her and was willing to prove himself to her (in all fairness, Tony did change). Then the father of her baby realized he was in love with her!

Kakaingit kainis. [I'm super envious]

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm happy for her and proud as well. Why? Because even if she has these two men vying for her affections, she still chose to focus on what was really important – being a mother to her son. What I learned from her was that sometimes not having someone in your life can also make you happy. That your world does not need to revolve around love. If it happens, it happens. But, for her, she preferred to take things one step at a time.

Would she choose between them? Maybe. She did say there was also a possibility of her not ending up with either of them. Wasn't that a choice as well? But if I know my sister, she'd definitely choose between the two eventually. As to who the lucky guy might be, I already have an idea since I see him with her every day. And the way her face lights up when he arrives, it's a dead giveaway that they'll probably end up together sooner or later.

How I wish I had that kind of love story!

After my sister "fired" me, I decided to finally re-visit my favorite coffee shop. It had been a while since I last dropped by because I had been busy taking care of Funky Brewster. I do admit I missed hanging out there. I would usually visit Brew's Corner when I wanted to relax. It was a few blocks away from my condo and I loved its cozy interior and warm atmosphere that made you feel like you were at home. Plus the service there was superb - which is one of the reasons why, aside from the coffee - I frequented the shop.

No sooner had I arrived, one of the baristas greeted me already. "Ma'am! Long time no see!"

"Yeah, I've been so busy the past two months."

"Will you still stay at your usual place? It's already reserved."

Wow. Talk about VIP treatment! I didn't think my absence was that important to them! "Sure. And the usual order, too." I walked to my favorite spot by the window and waited for the barista to finish my drink. Nothing feels better than sitting at your usual spot and enjoying a cup of hot white chocolate mocca with hazel nut sprinkles!

When the barista arrived with my drink, she smiled. "Sayang. We all thought this was the day!" [Too bad]

"The what?"

"Sir always comes here every day and sits at that exact same spot. I'm pretty sure it's you he's been waiting for to arrive. And now that you're here...kilig much!" [*Filipino expression of feeling giddy*]

Huh? What the hell was she talking about? I figured she must have confused me with someone else. "There must be some mistake." I didn't really know of anyone who would want to wait for me. I couldn't even remember the last time I brought a guy here – save for (God forbid!) Benjamin. But then again, one could not be too sure. "Who was looking for me?"

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