Chapter 6 - Frances: Best Choice

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When Tony asked me to organize his birthday, my initial reaction was - what would Nicole think if I agreed? Tony had told me he hadn't even bothered asking her to do it which I'd always thought was strange. But then again, he never opened up about his relationship with her anyway.

Not that I minded, since it meant I would be able to spend more time with him. My only problem would be asking Matteo for permission. He was hesitant at first, but as he had always bowed down to my wishes when it seemed like a heated argument between us would be evident, he succumbed to my wishes again.

I did of course tell him that he was invited to the party. At least that way he'd be able to see who my friends were and maybe try to at least mingle with them. The problem I had with Matteo was although he was the sweetest boyfriend ever, we had so very little in common. Add to that the fact that he didn't even try to fit in with my friends and would just be content in one corner of the room. I also felt that he didn't really approve of my friendship with Tony - despite his telling me that he knew how much Tony's friendship was important to me.

I know I'm acting like a bitch by staying with him - but for the life of me - even if I was in love with Tony, I could not see myself breaking up with Matteo. Breaking up with him meant actually letting go of that one person who put me first above everything. People may call it selfish, but I call it a need to be wanted. Tony could never want me - if he once did, it was not enough to actually decide to be with me. And as for myself, I couldn't even find the guts to tell Tony how I felt.

On the day of Tony's party, he was impressed by how I had taken care of everything. Even Nicole was impressed, he had told me - not that I was impressing her. She and I could never see eye to eye. I felt that she couldn't understand Tony the way I did - and I felt she didn't even want to try. All she did was stay by the bar and watch Tony hang out with his friends. I couldn't help but feel that this was actually a bit similar to my relationship with Matteo.

When he arrived, as predicted, Matteo didn't even act interested to be there. So I pointed him to the bar where I was sure he preferred to be, away from the crowd as always. At the corner of my eye I saw him approach the bar where Nicole also was. At least he'll have the company of someone who shared the same sentiments as him. And it looked like they did share the same sentiments because after a few hours, I saw them still chatting with one another. I turned to Tony. "Looks like our significant others have something in common."

Tony turned his attention to me and moved his head to the bar. I saw his expression change. "Hey, Princess, you ok with Matteo hanging with Nic?"

"He's harmless..."

I tried to reassure him but I don't think Tony heard me because he walked to the bar where Matteo and Nicole were hanging out. A few minutes later, I saw Nicole and Matteo leave the bar. Then I heard my phone ring. It was Matteo.

"Babe, Nicole asked me to take her home. I can come back and pick you up if you let me know what time."

"It's ok. I'll have Martin take me home." Martin was one of Tony's and my closest friends.

"I love you..."

"Take care, babe. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

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