Chapter 23

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One by one, I stared intently into the eyes of everyone in the spacious conference room.

They were pissing me off and on top of that, Tegan is hiding something from me. I needed to find out because she was in danger, and whatever she wasn't telling me could further expel her into it. Many days ago the leader of another Incubi division, in a much smaller realm betrayed me; challenging me in exchange for Tegan.

He wants the throne and somewhere in his twisted head, he thinks that My queen is rightfully his.

Has he no respect for his king? Not to mention his division that will surely meet its demise, because of his foolery and tragic betrayal.

He should know here and now that I am not to be fucked with.

I refuse to do this shit again.

This fucking meeting started at 3 o'clock and it's currently 4:30... I had dinner at 5 with my girls, and as of now, I was pushing it.

"Your highness, they've rejected our peace treaty, we'll have no choice but to go to war!" One of the councilmen, Philip, brought up.

"And I assume you've tried negotiating?"

"Yes." He timidly spoke, a few others nodding to what he said.

"They've rejected everything, so we'll have no choice but to go to war..." I spoke, absorbing said things, and reactions of others.

"Then we'll go to war!" General Lee interrupted  strongly. "My men are more than prepared for a battle." Directing his gaze to me he nodded.

"Very well." I nodded in return. "Prepare your families, at any moment in time we could be under attack." I stood, addressing the room.

"Daniel and Lydia, I want security guards in every corner of this castle. Alert Dave and Liam of the situation, I want the Queens guard staff tripled." They nodded with haste.

"Secure your areas, lines of work, tasks; do what needs to be done."

Glancing around once more I noticed some people feverishly scribbling down notes, some listening intently and some doing a mix of both.

The conference room doors parted gracefully, as Chauncey uttered rapidly, in between them.

"Your highness, our allies are on their way!" He shouted, lifting a relative amount of tension off of the room.

"Wonderful. Dismissed." I discharged the room. A great amount of conversations erupted as they exited the room.

"The Vampires, the Werewolves, they stand not a chance Sir!" He cheered, though I was beating him up In my imagination. His scratchy and annoying voice made me want to murder him.

"Thank you Chauncey." I slightly smiled walking away.

It was 5:05 and Tegan was already blowing up my phone. "Should've never bought her that shit." I mumbled answering her call.

"Where are you?!" She shouted into the phone.

"Hello to you too. My meeting went over, sorry."
I maundered slowly.

"Explain to me why FOUR more guards are presently surrounding Piper and I..." Her words were cutting.

"I'll explain later." I hastily hung up turning the corner to see my girls sitting pretty... well at least one of them.

Tegan's face playfully distorted at the sight of me, as I advanced towards the table, and Piper slid off of her chair. "Daddy daddy!" She loudly screeched. Meeting her half way, she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, and mine around her waist.

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